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2022 Conference Content Creation Marketing

Higher ed story marketing: The art of connecting audiences through storytelling

Stories educate, unite, give purpose and connect. Learn how to tell great stories in higher ed marketing in this partner article from Hannon Hill for the 2022 HighEdWeb Annual Conference.

2022 Conference Accessibility Content Creation

Cutting through the clutter (UAD2)

Writing accessible web content should be a priority for everyone. During a morning session on day one of the HighEdWeb 2022 Annual Conference, Sean Barnhill and Sofia Perez from Missouri State University College of Business provided a helpful overview of how to create more accessible content. This session focused on readability, and I’m going to […]

2022 Conference Content Creation

Digital Storytelling 101 (SCS4)

By artfully and strategically pairing words and images, colleges and universities can tell meaningful stories, said Shannon Lanus, senior director of content at Carnegie. Drawing from her content designer expertise and background in film/TV development, she shared actionable information and ideas for great digital storytelling during her session at the HighEdWeb 2022 Annual Conference. Digital […]

2022 Conference Design

Neurodesign: UX and attention, color, memory and cognition

Andres Zapata from idfive dives into how neurodesign can inform UX and design. Learn more in this partner article for the 2022 HighEdWeb Annual Conference.

2022 Conference Content Creation

Is your university or college prepared for the voice search revolution?

Universities and colleges shouldn’t ignore the importance of factoring voice search into their digital marketing and SEO strategies. Learn more in this partner article from Terminalfour for the 2022 HighEdWeb Annual Conference.

2022 Conference Marketing

How higher education marketers can drive student enrollment with CTV advertising

Premion shares research about using connected TV (CTV) advertising to reach prospective students in university marketing. Learn more in this partner article for the 2022 HighEdWeb Annual Conference.

2022 Conference Website Development

A look at higher ed websites: What’s working, and what’s not

Higher education websites are a vital part of the student recruitment process. Yet as a so-called “living” and evolving digital asset, there may be aspects that are not always fully optimized, inclusive or accessible. Learn more in this partner article from Monsido.

2019 Conference

AUD 1 Reframing the Digital Campus

Ryan Dee and Eric Rasmussen from the University of Nebraska – Lincoln talked about stages of civilization, web frameworks and CMSes, and how to successfully build a digital campus despite budget driven organization restructuring. In higher education, we all have to do less with more. Ryan and Eric shared some interesting insights into how to […]

2019 Conference

Can’t be in Milwaukee? You can still watch (some of) #HEWeb19 Live

If you didn’t get to put a trip to Milwaukee in your plans this year, fear not. HighEdWeb has you covered. This year four sessions from the 2019 Annual Conference will be livestreamed.

2019 Conference

Partner Article: Hannon Hill Presents at HighEdWeb 2019

NOTE: As part of our sponsor agreements with Annual Conference sponsors, we occasionally post information provided by our sponsor-partners on their behalf. This is one such article. Thank you and enjoy! There’s no question that current and prospective students are the most technically savvy cohort in history. During her presentation at HighEdWeb 2019, Kat Liendgens, […]

2018 Conference

Putting the YOU in Usability, Accessibility, and Design (#UAD)

Hey – want to know a secret from your friends in the Usability, Accessibility & Design track? YOU, my friend, are an experience designer.  Really, we’re serious.  Think about it for a minute: whether you are a manager, programmer, content person, social media specialist, every day you make choices that impact how people experience your […]

Association News

HighEdWeb welcomes Sara Clark as Operations Director

The Higher Education Web Professionals Association has named Sara Clark as operations director for the association. Clark will coordinate the day-to-day operations of the association and its volunteers. Clark has been a long-time supporter of HighEdWeb. She chaired Annual Conference planning efforts in 2008 and 2014. And she served on the Board of Directors from […]

Association News

Announcing call for HighEdWeb Board nominations

In 2006, the Higher Education Web Professionals Association first incorporated as a non-profit professional society devoted to its mission: we strive to advance web professionals, technologies, and standards in higher education. In the more than 10 years since, the Association has grown and evolved as we continue to serve our members, conference attendees, and fellow […]

2017 Conference

#MPD9—Au Contraire: Debunking Myths and Hippos with Google Analytics

A deeper understanding of Google Analytics can help organizations make better decisions about the features on their websites, said Alan Etkin at HighEdWeb17 on Tuesday. Etkin, a senior analyst at the British Columbia Institute of Technology, dove into his methods during a session titled, “Au Contraire: Debunking Myths and Hippos with Google Analytics.” Etkin shared […]

2017 Conference

The Pep Talk You Didn’t Know You Needed (MPD6)

Jacob Oyen, of Central College opened his HighEdWeb 17 presentation by noting that life is too short to do something you don’t care about. He checked in with attendees to help set perspective, asking for insight such as, how many of you love your website? [chuckles from the group.] How long have you been working […]

2017 Conference Usability

Usability Testing is Super Important and Easier Than You Think – #COR2

Why is usability testing your website super important? We like to say it’s to better understand our users, or to fix UX trouble spots on our sites. The data it reveals can even settle internal debates of what should go where on a website. “Usability testing cuts through all the bicker when everyone has their […]

2017 Conference

MPD10: Planning for Emergency Campus Communications

Adam Arrowood of Georgia Institute of Technology was tempted to end his HighEdWeb 17 presentation after one slide. Even though his topic, “Planning for Emergency Campus Communications” is a serious one, his message can be distilled simply: Have a plan Test that plan Don’t let your server melt Of course, Arrowood provided his audience with […]

2017 Conference

DPA2 – All the Nuggets IRL

The session should be mandatory not only for first time attendees but also for old timers like myself. We all come to this conference with the hope to take away something we can actually implement back at our workplaces. We hear about the “Golden Nugget” and take notes and listen to each session until our […]

2017 Conference

TIE5: Getting Squirrelly: Creating UC Davis’s Pre-Arrival Guide for International Students

Like many campuses across the United States,  the University of California-Davis has seen its international student enrollment skyrocket. That jump created a need to better serve international students before they arrived on campus.  UC Davis tackled it with an online pre-arrival guide– and squirrels. In her talk “Getting Squirrelly: Creating UC Davis’s Pre-Arrival Guide for […]

Association News

HighEdWeb is hiring

Reporting to the President of the Higher Education Web Professionals Association (www.highedweb.org), the Operations Director is responsible for coordinating the day-to-day operations of the Association and its volunteers. The Operations Director will work with the Board of Directors to facilitate the implementation of a strategic plan, and lay the groundwork for further growth of the Association.

2016 Conference Content Creation

Beyond SEO: Writing Findable Content (MCS5)

“Findability is the biggest content problem in higher ed.” That’s how content strategist Rick Allen opened his session Beyond SEO: Writing Findable Content. He also debunked the myth that “SEO is dead,” a notion that’s becoming quite ubiquitous in online marketing. A notion that’s just not true. Allen explained that he sees some of his […]

2016 Conference

A Day in the Life of an Analyst

When Aaron Baker arrived at Harvard last year, to begin work on web analytics, he had…Google Analytics, and its data. But that wasn’t really enough to do the kind of reporting that their office needed. While they had data, Aaron really needed to be able to tell stories. Before you can turn data into stories, […]

2016 Conference

Shall We Play a Game? Gaming the System, When the System Is Your Learning Management System

Nikki Massaro Kauffman loved Mary Poppins growing up, partially for the way Mary turns work into a game. Now she argues that we need more gamification in our schools to help promote learning for all students. In her red stapler winning talk at #heweb16, Massaro Kauffman, a Multimedia Specialist and Interaction Designer at Penn State, discussed the ways […]

2016 Conference Accessibility

The Who, What, Where and When of Accessibility (UAD3)

Where does accessibility live on your campus? If Rob Carr had it his way, accessibility would touch every end of campus. His presentation gave a high-level overview of this notion—and he touched upon how roles and processes can be tweaked to account for accessibility. Accessibility shouldn’t be relegated to one team, and especially not to […]

2016 Conference Management & Professional Development

Explain Your Work! 5 Public Speaking Tips You Can Use Now (#MPD2)

Can you explain what you do for a living—and how you contribute to your campus community—succinctly? If folks have a hard time understanding your job or your team’s role, you might be not be getting the credit you deserve. That was the idea behind Explain Your Work! 5 Public Speaking Tips You Can Use Now. […]