HighEdWeb becomes Digital Collegium on Nov. 1. Discover the new brand

2023 Conference AI in Higher Ed

Get Comfortable With AI (AAI4)

Patrick Kelly demonstrates AI tools and the ways higher ed can use them (or not)

2023 Conference Content Strategy Web Strategy

5-minute website improvement guide

In their Best of Conference-winning presentation, Mackenzie Huber and Whitney Tabbert share a six-part rubric for making your website more usable in 5 minutes flat.

2020 Conference Marketing Social Media

Boring documents = creative freedom?: Liz Gross on her Red Stapler-winning presentation

Liz Gross outlines ‘Five Essential Documents for a Strategic Social Media Program’ In 2012, Liz Gross was a marketing communications director for the University of Wisconsin-Waukesha (now the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee at Waukesha). She attended her first HighEdWeb Conference – conveniently next door, in Milwaukee – and presented a poster she fondly recalls was “made […]

2016 Conference

Shall We Play a Game? Gaming the System, When the System Is Your Learning Management System

Nikki Massaro Kauffman loved Mary Poppins growing up, partially for the way Mary turns work into a game. Now she argues that we need more gamification in our schools to help promote learning for all students. In her red stapler winning talk at #heweb16, Massaro Kauffman, a Multimedia Specialist and Interaction Designer at Penn State, discussed the ways […]

2016 Conference Accessibility

‘S.I.F.T. Through Your Content for Accessibility’

This Red Stapler winner for best in the UAD track by Justin Gatewood of Victor Valley College offers a simplified approach to the complicated — but very necessary — topic of accessibility for the web. In “S.I.F.T. Through Your Content for Accessibility,” Gatewood noted the acronym stands for Structure, Images, Forms and Tables. Being in Memphis, he noted […]

2016 Conference

Access Denied: Keeping Yourself off an Attacker’s Radar

Best of “It’s not paranoid if they’re actually out to get you. And they are out to get you.” In his fast-paced and engaging #DPA8 session, “Access Denied: Keeping Yourself off an Attacker’s Radar,” Paul Gilzow from the University of Missouri shared universal concepts and WordPress-specific examples for preventing exploits of your site and infrastructure […]

2016 Conference

Fienen’s Totally Topical, Terrific Tutorial to Tag Manager

In Michael Fienen’s “Fienen’s Totally Topical, Terrific Tutorial to Tag Manager” (#AIM3), attendees took a fast-paced dive into the what’s and why’s of Google Tag Manager: what it is, what it can do, why you should use it. Tag Manager is all about working smarter, not harder. Anyone who has done anything beyond basic Google […]

2014 Conference

Human at Work; Or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and and Get Better at My Job

We’re going to move fast, but don’t worry. Everything’s online at bit.ly/HumanAtWork. It has a great number of resources in book form and app form to help with productivity, and ways to be 100% Human. [field name=code] Dave did what many presenters do. Talk about a case study. But, this study is of himself. Disclaimer. This […]

2014 Conference Social Media

Digital Fundraising on the Social Web – Part I

Ashley Budd of Cornell University gave social media folks the ammunition they need to go back to their campuses and get the buy in they need from advancement offices – that social is not just “fun” or “cute.” It’s a serious – and we mean serious – fundraising tool. There could be tens of thousands […]

2014 Conference

Taking the Web Offline

Session Details Erik Runyon, Director of Web Communications, University of Notre Dame led this session on storing data in the client browser and how you could leverage it to speed up your websites. He used this to power the #heweb14 website — which is how most of us were able to still access the conference website, even when the […]

2014 Conference

KaratEmail: Putting a nail in FormMail’s coffin

A catalyst for change: Hundreds of forms were attacked, tens of thousands of emails were sent, email accounts were overwhelmed and shut down, and business processes ground to a halt. On one cold February morning our Web team discovered that the our good friend FormMail was neither good nor a friend. After more than a […]

2014 Conference

Words of Wisdom from 100 Tech Savvy Students

Congratulations to Erin Callahan and Nick Jensen from NYU on their Red Stapler presentation in the Technology in Education track! View the presentation slides. Session Details Taken right from NYU’s culture code, Erin explained that “we are a startup here to delight students.” Last spring, Erin and her team asked students “What significant opportunity within […]

2014 Conference

WordPress and Beer: Homebrew Web Applications with WordPress

Gabriel walked us through the similarities between brewing beer (home brew style) and WordPress, how they both have base ingredients, but when you tweak those ingredients, you can get a million different variations of a great product. Beer = barley (grain), hops, yeast and water WordPress = posts, pages, media, tags Cool comparison. Working from […]

2014 Conference

Let’s face it: We’re not 16 anymore

  Let’s face it: We’re not 16 anymore, and Mark Heiman, Senior Web Application Developer at Carleton College (better known as @wyrdebeard) doesn’t want to be that age, but he knows that we need to think that way to do our jobs better. Carleton College reworked their homepage after a series of focus groups that […]

2012 Conference

​Rebuilding a University Homepage to be “Responsive.” Twice. In Less than a Year.

Rebuilding a University Homepage to be “Responsive.” Twice. In Less than a Year. Erik Runyon, Manager of Interactive Development, University of Notre Dame Eric Runyon @erunyon from Notre Dame will be “covering responsiveness because it hasn’t been done this year.” He asked “…anybody remember how many responsive sessions last year? Zero.” (10 this year) Why […]

2012 Conference

Mobile Warming: A New Approach to Student Engagement

Mobile Warming: A New Approach To Student Engagement Kyle Bowen, Director, Informatics, Purdue University Kyle Bowen of Purdue opened his session with the anecdote about the two Australian girls who got lost in a tunnel. For their cry for help, they went to Facebook to update their status. In their moment of life and death, […]

2012 Conference

No Such Thing As TMI: How to Create a Culture of Sharing

No Such Thing As TMI: How to Create a Culture of Sharing Donna Talarico, Integrated Marketing Manager, Elizabethtown College We hear a lot about oversharing in this social media celebrity-mad age. See: Kardashian, Kim and Twitter.  But when it comes to the web and your college community, Donna Talarico of Elizabethtown College argues there’s no […]

2012 Conference

I don’t have your Ph.D Working with Faculty and the Web

I Don’t Have Your Ph.D. – Working with Faculty and the Web Amanda Costello, Web Content Strategist, University of Minnesota Amanda Costello works at the University of Minnesota and talked about “Ph.d people problems” Faculty are specialists – they do their jobs very very well — and they tend to focus on themselves (their work, […]

2011 Conference

Engaging Your Global Audience with Real-Time Campus Event Coverage #heweb11

Seth Odell wants you to know that real-time campus event coverage is a beautiful thing. He also wants you to know that you have absolutely no excuse not to be doing it.

2011 Conference

#heweb11 Best of Conference! — Carrying the Banner: Reinventing News on Your University Web Site

In February 2011, Tufts launched TuftsNow, an integrated news space for the university, with the goals of “telling good stories” and “presenting and delivering those stories well.”

2011 Conference

Mapping Campus with Google map maker #heweb11

View Poster Description and Presenter’s Bio. Download this poster. Download a handout

2011 Conference

What Colleges Can Learn From The Insane Clown Posse #heweb11

The Insane Clown Posse isn’t for everyone, and they don’t care. And in higher education marketing, we too often try to appeal to everybody.

2011 Conference

The Politics of Doing IA for HighEd #heweb11

IA is the convergence of Users + Content + Context

2011 Conference

Swingin’ with Sinatra: Small Apps Fast #heweb11

View Session Details and Presenter’s Bio. Photo courtesy Wikipedia. A recap of this session will be posted shortly.