2011 Conference

Engaging Your Global Audience with Real-Time Campus Event Coverage #heweb11

Seth Odell wants you to know that real-time campus event coverage is a beautiful thing. He also wants you to know that you have absolutely no excuse not to be doing it.

2011 Conference

I’d Buy That For a Dollar: What Robocop Can Teach us about Alumni Engagement #heweb11

View Session Description and Presenter Bio Photo by Kate Raynes-Goldie, Flickr. A statue of Robocop is being built in Detroit because a number of people came together on an online fundraising site and made it happen. Jeff Stevens would spend a dollar on this, and so would a whole bunch of other people. Jeff Stevens presented […]

The Working World

What exactly would you say, you know, you do here?

People go by many names and titles, be it web manager, specialist, strategist, master, maven, guru or overlord. Titles are about as useful as job descriptions in predicting what exactly you will do.