2024 Conference Accessibility Website Development

Accessible web applications: Separate doesn’t mean equal

Truly accessible web applications offer an inclusive, equitable experience for all. Learn more in this guest article from Concept 3D.

Website Development

Franklin College Leaves Deployments in the Dust and Finds Freedom for New Projects

Learn how the University of Georgia’s web services team sped up deployments in this partner article from Pantheon for the 2023 HighEdWeb Annual Conference.

2022 Conference Content Creation Marketing

Higher ed story marketing: The art of connecting audiences through storytelling

Stories educate, unite, give purpose and connect. Learn how to tell great stories in higher ed marketing in this partner article from Hannon Hill for the 2022 HighEdWeb Annual Conference.

2022 Conference Content Creation

Is your university or college prepared for the voice search revolution?

Universities and colleges shouldn’t ignore the importance of factoring voice search into their digital marketing and SEO strategies. Learn more in this partner article from Terminalfour for the 2022 HighEdWeb Annual Conference.

2022 Conference Marketing

How higher education marketers can drive student enrollment with CTV advertising

Premion shares research about using connected TV (CTV) advertising to reach prospective students in university marketing. Learn more in this partner article for the 2022 HighEdWeb Annual Conference.

2022 Conference Website Development

A look at higher ed websites: What’s working, and what’s not

Higher education websites are a vital part of the student recruitment process. Yet as a so-called “living” and evolving digital asset, there may be aspects that are not always fully optimized, inclusive or accessible. Learn more in this partner article from Monsido.

2021 Conference

Partner Article: The Modernization of Higher Education: Navigating New Challenges in a Digital World

NOTE: As part of our sponsor agreements with Annual Conference sponsors, we occasionally post information provided by our sponsor-partners on their behalf. This is one such article. Thank you and enjoy! The COVID-19 pandemic significantly altered the way that colleges and universities approached academics, campus life, and internal operations. While some experts claimed that the […]

Marketing Uncategorized

Unpacking a new era of brand experiences in higher ed

Traditional marketing tells you that everything in regards to brand reputation and awareness boils down to the health of your website. You know the drill — You have to rank well, draw a crowd that comes back time and time again to consult your site for content, and then, naturally, you shake them down through […]