HighEdWeb becomes Digital Collegium on Nov. 1. Discover the new brand

2015 Conference

Using Data to Inform Content

Presenter:  Matt Hames, @mhames Session Information Early into his presentation, Matt Hames, Communications Strategist at Colgate University, explained that he had a bell in his office, which he gets to ring every time he convinces a colleague to not open a separate Facebook page. This was not the focus of his lively and informative talk titled […]

2015 Conference Social Media

Tragedy, Pitchforks, and Twitter

It was a tough spring at University of South Carolina. With a campus shooting, blackout, and a student incident that went viral, in addition to weather-related updates, the social team was busy… busy learning lessons on how to manage mobs, keep parents calm, and provide timely communications in complicated situations. Being strategic and staying on […]

Association News

Higher Education Web Professionals Announces New Board Members: Donaldson, Hicks, Lavery join HighEdWeb Board of Directors

The Higher Education Web Professionals Association (HighEdWeb) is pleased to welcome three new members to its Board of Directors: Jesse Lavery Director of Web Communications, Allegheny College Jesse Lavery is director of web communications at Allegheny College, a national liberal arts college of 2,100 students in Meadville, Pennsylvania. Lavery’s office is responsible for the design, […]

2015 Conference

How to Give a Red Stapler-Winning Presentation at HighEdWeb: Presenter Advice from the Best of the Best

A pointer. A podium. A PowerPoint. There’s more to a presentation than that! Add in personality, passion, pizzazz and poise and you get the makings of an award-winning presenter. At HighEdWeb annual conferences, the organization awards the best session in each track the coveted Red Stapler Award. And we can learn a lot from these […]

Regional Conference

HighEdWeb Regional Preview: Alabama – June 29 & 30

“I believe this is the first HighEdWeb Alabama!” exclaimed Rachel Carden, Web Communications Specialist at The University of Alabama and lead organizer of the 2015 HighEdWeb Alabama Regional Conference. HighEdWeb Alabama will be hosted at The University of Alabama in Russell Hall on June 29th and 30th, 2015. Registration is open online for $75, which […]

Analytics Social Media Uncategorized

Adrift in Data

Timothy Cigelske, Director of Social Media at Marquette University, also teaches a class on social measurement and analytics at the school. When he couldn’t find a textbook he liked, he decided to write his own. He was kind enough to let us reprint the introductory chapter to his Analytics to Action, published in late 2014. “Not everything […]

Content Creation Marketing Social Media

Going Electric with Rutgers Today

Ten years ago, we were like everyone else. Our approach to PR at Rutgers University was very traditional: A lot of news releases which didn’t contain much news. Unsuccessful efforts to interest the media in speakers, symposia and awards. Our methodology was a major problem. We still published most of our content on paper – […]

2014 Conference

Human at Work; Or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and and Get Better at My Job

We’re going to move fast, but don’t worry. Everything’s online at bit.ly/HumanAtWork. It has a great number of resources in book form and app form to help with productivity, and ways to be 100% Human. [field name=code] Dave did what many presenters do. Talk about a case study. But, this study is of himself. Disclaimer. This […]

2014 Conference Management & Professional Development

That IS your problem! Creating a collaborative campus

That IS your problem! Creating a collaborative campus Presenter: Corie Martin – Western Kentucky University One isn’t always the loneliest number. Corie Martin of Western Kentucky University notes that, if you’re a department of one at a college or university, there can be some perks. For starters, you pretty much have control over your work […]

2014 Conference

Words of Wisdom from 100 Tech Savvy Students

Congratulations to Erin Callahan and Nick Jensen from NYU on their Red Stapler presentation in the Technology in Education track! View the presentation slides. Session Details Taken right from NYU’s culture code, Erin explained that “we are a startup here to delight students.” Last spring, Erin and her team asked students “What significant opportunity within […]

2014 Conference

Going GREEN with Content Strategy

· The highest number of LEED certified buildings in the county (175). · Two-hundred fifty miles of bike paths and lanes. · The first major U.S. city to ban plastic bags. With its 92,000 acres of green spaces, Portland, Oregon, is not just shades of olive, emerald and lime on the outside; the Pacific Northwest […]

2014 Conference Social Media

Engaging Prospective College Students and Their Parents Online: E-Expectations 2014

In recent years, social media and use of mobile devices by students have changed how prospective college students and parents research and interact with campuses. How can campuses adapt their content and e-recruitment strategies to effectively engage with these very different audiences? Stephanie Geyer, VP for Web Strategy and Interactive Marketing Services at Noel-Levitz, and […]

2014 Conference

CrowdSource Summit will connect students with the people who make the Web

When you ask people who work on the Web what they like about their jobs, you get a lot of answers. “The way the Internet brings us together.” “Looking through data, coming up with hypotheses on how to make improvements and analyzing data again to check for changes.” “The collective power of the people who […]

Regional Conference

#hewebse to focus on ‘making awesome’

The HighEdWeb Southeast conference, #hewebse for short (or those wishing to follow the backchannel), will look to bring a sunny and warm disposition to attendees on June 23 and 24. The conference at Francis Marion University’s Performing Arts Center in Florence, S.C. begins with a pair of afternoon-long workshops on Monday, with two tracks for […]

Regional Conference

HighEdWebNE to provide feast of ideas April 25

In its second year, HighEdWeb New England is showing anything but a sophomore slump, bringing a full menu of presentations to Johnson and Wales University in Providence on Friday, April 25. The conference is sold out — but still accepting spots on its waiting list because its one-day format and solid lineup of speakers has […]

Regional Conference

HighEdWeb Pitt talks teamwork, tech on April 9

On April 9, the Steel City will serve as a magnet for some of the top web minds from around the Mid-Atlantic and beyond when HighEdWeb Pitt makes its conference debut. The daylong regional will unfold at Pittsburgh Technical Institute. “HighEdWeb Pitt is going to be good for anyone who works in a team (we […]

Social Media

Snapchat: Useful higher ed tool or risky fad?

Snapchat is the latest platform to put higher ed web marketing pros in a quandary — pursue a hot service used by your target market, or resist chasing a shiny object that has raised concerns among some? While no firm numbers exist, recent estimates put Snapchat’s number of users at 30 million. While dwarfed by […]

Social Media

A Flurry of Photos and Other Ways to Experience Snow Days on Campus

“Snow day” could be defined in two ways. First, the snow day in the traditional sense that most of us who grew up in areas that experience winter remember as kids — the kind where there is NO SCHOOL! Second, you also could think of a “snow day” as simply a day that blankets campus […]

Social Media The Working World

Gettin’ Schooled on LinkedIn University

In August 2013, LinkedIn rolled out a new feature, University Pages, in order to help students make a decision on their future institution. It sounds great for them, but for social media managers, it might just feel like one “new thing” to figure out. LinkedIn carved out a special place for each institution, which can […]

The Working World

Are Your Digital Devices Rewiring Your Brain?

American innovation has revolutionized the way we think, interact, and explore our creativity. As human beings, it is our brains’ ability to draw reasonable conclusions and make logical decisions that separate us from other earthly creatures. With the gift of free cognitive thought, we make our own choices, develop our own visions, and form ideas, […]

Analytics Marketing Social Media

Leveraging User-Generated Content

My job as a web strategist in Student Affairs at Metropolitan State University (St. Paul, Minn.) didn’t originally include social media in its description, but it was an area that our marketing department had not yet pursued (and didn’t seem too interested in pursuing it, either). DigitalTrends tells us that 2/3 of prospects use social […]

2013 Conference

Let Me Introduce Myself: Faculty, Staff, and Student Profiles for Community-building and Careers

Matt Ryan and Mark Heiman, of Carlton College , said officials at their school had three goals when it came to building community among their faculty, staff and students. They were: We’d like faulty to share their accomplishments with the world We’d like staff to be able to learn about each others accomplishments We’d like […]

2013 Conference

Thank You #heweb13

Dear #heweb13, Every time I leave the annual High Ed Web conference, and I’ve done it five times now, I find myself trying to put together some sort of cogent, blog-worthy reaction to the whole thing. And more often than not, I wind up defeated. It’s just so hard to wrap up all the great […]

2013 Conference

Marketing and Web Strategy: Repurposing Traditional Promotions into Innovative Formats

  Jennifer Younker, Executive Director of Marketing and Communications and Romana Amato, Web Strategist from Saint Xavier University presented MCS10 Marketing and web strategy: repurposing traditional promotions into innovative formats. St. Xavier University is a smaller school in the Chicago suburbs where the team is working to use new marketing methods to boost awareness. Although data suggests that […]

2013 Conference Six Questions

Six Questions with Scott Stratten

Scott Stratten is the President of UnMarketing.   1. What’s the biggest mistake an institution — of higher education or otherwise — can make in its marketing strategy? Trying to be cool and “relate” to students. If you’re thinking about using “YOLO” or “Swag” in your materials, you need to go for a walk and clear your head. […]