HighEdWeb becomes Digital Collegium on Nov. 1. Discover the new brand

2018 Conference

“Techsanity?” Keynote Manoush Zomorodi asks HighEdWeb attendees to take control of their technology

Entrepreneur, author, podcaster, and journalist Manoush Zomorodi is on a mission to make technology more relatable. And she brought it to HighEdWeb in Sacramento. “I want to empower people to understand technology to the point where they feel like they have autonomy over it,” she said in a talk that dove into some of her […]

2018 Conference Content Creation

A people search engine: The power of human-to-human (H2H) marketing in higher ed

Presented by Lisa Nguyen and Amy Davis Lisa Nguyen described UC Davis as a “sleeper school, ” meaning that not a lot of people know about the college worldwide, but in California, it’s very popular. Their business school has a young but strong alumni program, and they have an equally strong but young and small team […]

2018 Conference Marketing Social Media

A Contest from @VisitSacramento!

Our friends at Visit Sacramento are launching a social media contest for HighEdWeb attendees next week. (Not that this crew needs any sort of special inspiration to tweet a lot.) The first contest is on Sunday and Monday, and it’s called “GO WEST.” Post on Instagram or Twitter, using the hashtags #heweb18 and #visitsacramento: 1. […]

Management & Professional Development The Working World

10 tips after more than 10 years as a higher ed digital pro

More than 15 years into my career, I’ve now had three institutions and more than a decade under my belt, with a few more years in newspapers and a stop in private industry for a couple more. Here’s what I’ve learned.

2018 Conference

Putting the YOU in Usability, Accessibility, and Design (#UAD)

Hey – want to know a secret from your friends in the Usability, Accessibility & Design track? YOU, my friend, are an experience designer.  Really, we’re serious.  Think about it for a minute: whether you are a manager, programmer, content person, social media specialist, every day you make choices that impact how people experience your […]

2018 Conference

Lightning talks. They’re talks. Made of lightning.

At the HighEdWeb conference last year in Hartford, we debuted a presentation format that I’ll admit I’d been wanting to try for a very long time: lightning talks. 10-minute blasts of pure awesome, positively sizzling with wisdom. I’m not exaggerating when I say that our inaugural lightning talk presenters — Lougan Bishop, Lacy Paschal, JP Rains, Jason […]

2018 Conference

HighEdWeb 2018: It’s made of people

What’s the last thing you learned that made you better at your job? Got it? OK, now hold on to it for a minute and think: how did you learn it? Did you hear it on a podcast? Or read it in a book? Or follow a link on Twitter? Or watch a video tutorial? […]

Association News

HighEdWeb announces new board members

The Higher Education Web Professionals Association (HighEdWeb) is pleased to welcome three new members to its Board of Directors: Lisa Catto, Western Oregon University Lisa Catto has managed Western Oregon University’s social media and media relations since 2005. She developed the university’s social presence back when MySpace was still the new kid on the block […]

Social Media

Sometimes the Best Advice Is to Shut Up and Listen

This article originally appeared on CampusSonar’s BrainWaves blog. Sometimes the toughest thing to do in social media is not to say anything at all. You know the urges. Someone said something about your school. A dean somewhere opens their Facebook account for the first time in a month, sees the comment and wants something done […]

2018 Conference

Volunteer with the Academies

We are seeking volunteers to help with Academy event planning and alumni outreach. We’d love your help.

2017 Conference

Felicia Day Demonstrates to #heweb17 That She is Indeed The One Who’s Cool.

Felicia Day Demonstrates to #heweb17 That She is Indeed The One Who’s Cool. Storify by Dave Tyler Wed, Oct 11 2017 15:42:06 Felicia Day Demonstrates to #heweb17 That She is Indeed The One Who’s Cool. Entrepreneur, actress, singer, writer, and web series creator Felicia Day told a packed house at #heweb17 about how she was […]

2017 Conference

#TIE11—E-Expectations: How Online Expectations Change for Today’s Prospective Students and Parents

College and universities’ website, email, and social media strategies dominated discussion Tuesday afternoon at the HighEdWeb17 session titled, “E-Expectations 2017: How Online Expectations Change for Today’s Prospective Students and Parents.” Presenters Stephanie Geyer, Gil Rogers, and Lance Merker walked attendees through highlights of the 2017 Ruffalo Noel Levitz E-Expectations report. The survey included the opinions […]

2017 Conference Content Creation

7 Habit(ats) of Successful Student Storytelling (#tie8)

Tim Nekrtiz of SUNY Oswego opened his 7 Habit(ats) of Successful Student Storytelling Session with a recent, successful video which paid tribute to the chicken patty. Yes. The chicken patty. This slice-of-student-life production was fun, showcased many personalities, and it illustrated how we can find new angles and ideas when we look at our institutions […]

2017 Conference

We Live in a Pay to Play World—Let’s Embrace It!

Only five percent of your Facebook page audience sees your organic content, and it’s been that way for a long time. It’s time for social media managers (and their bosses who hold the purse strings) to recognize that social media—like all other media—isn’t free. Even $10 can make a difference on Facebook. This was the […]

2017 Conference Management & Professional Development

#MPD7 – Culture Wins: Five Mistakes That Made Us Successful

For the Missouri State chorale, it was an unbelievable day. Of course, it took a lot to get there. The team at Missouri State, including Kevin Agee and Sara Clark, put in hours of work over several months to make a four minute performance work at the Presidential Inauguration Agee and Clark reflected on the […]

2017 Conference Marketing Social Media

#MCS3: Online Reputation IS Your Reputation: Are You Listening?

Liz Gross, Director of CampusSonar and a long-time evangelist for social listening, kicked off the second round of morning sessions today with a look at how to help manage your online reputation. We have a trust problem in higher ed; large percentages of people distrust “the system,” and 60% of people put their most faith […]

2017 Conference Content Creation Marketing Social Media

Finding harmony: How we promoted an inaugural event

What if you were told tomorrow to plan for one of the biggest events in your university’s history? Would you be ready? How would you pull together your team to tell the story? What if the event celebrated one of the most controversial election outcomes in U.S. history? That was our charge. Missouri State University’s […]

2017 Conference Marketing

Other Duties as Assigned: Developing a Podcast

Serial. Invisibilia. S-Town. Missing Richard Simmons. Podcasts have exploded as a new way to consume stories and information, and Jackie Vetrano of Skidmore College decided to dive in. This is Skidmore is the award-winning podcast now nearly 2 years and 30 episodes old, and Jackie shared her insight and tips for those of us who […]

2017 Conference Applications and Standards

#AIM4 – Mobile First: Writing and Designing Page Content in the Age of Mobile

Catherine Harwood, manager of web & social media at Eastern Florida State College prefaced her presentation with a note, that participants don’t need to be web developers to master designing content for mobile. It’s important because, as Harwood notes, more and more of our users are getting to our site via mobile sources. They arrive […]

2017 Conference Technological Developments The Working World

TIE 1: “This is Not Fine: Working on the Web in Higher Ed in Uncertain Times”

University web, social and marketing workers have an important role to play in the turbulent political and social climate now gripping the country, Georgy Cohen argued Monday at HighEdWeb17. During a session titled “This is Not Fine” Working on the Web in Higher Ed in Uncertain Times” Cohen issued a call for universities to advocate […]

2017 Conference Six Questions

‘I love to delight people’: 6 questions with #heweb17 keynoter Felicia Day

Link recently had an opportunity to ask 6 questions of #heweb17 Wednesday keynote speaker Felicia Day. The content creator, author and actor did not disappoint with her answers. Link: In higher education, many of us work in institutions with complex politics, labyrinthine approval processes and cultural factors which stifle the creativity that makes interactive experiences […]

2017 Conference

HighEdWeb 2017: The Web Needs All of Us

If you’re like me, then you probably spent part of your day today creating a new menu element for the provost website template, and part of your day managing your university’s Twitter account. Or maybe you’re nothing like me. Instead, you’ve spent your day planning an upcoming disaster recovery test for your central web environment. […]

Social Media Uncategorized

Go, Team (HESM)!

Many of us have an opportunity once a year to meet up at a conference, learn from others, politely borrow ideas to bring back to our own institutions, and ask questions that can often only be answered by others in the field. Wouldn’t it be great if we could collaborate with others across the country […]

Content Creation Marketing Social Media

Breaking barriers: Snapchat at the University of Michigan and Beloit College

“How do we reach our students?” It’s a question commonly asked in marketing and communications offices on campuses around the country – and even the world. Oftentimes, the conversations result in emails, posters and posts on social media. More and more, those plans also include outreach via “backchannel” tools – like Snapchat. “We joined Snapchat in […]

Management & Professional Development

Implementing Inspiration: What Happens After HighEdWeb – A Look at How Attendees Put Ideas into Action

We learn so much at Higher Education Web Professional’s annual conference and come away with so many incredible ideas—but what happens after we get home? At HighEdWeb, you often hear people talk about searching for their “one thing” – a golden nugget, a key takeaway. Of course, you can return to work with plenty of […]