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Association News

HighEdWeb announces new board members

The Higher Education Web Professionals Association (HighEdWeb) is pleased to welcome three new members to its Board of Directors:

Lisa Catto

Lisa Catto, Western Oregon University

Lisa Catto has managed Western Oregon University’s social media and media relations since 2005. She developed the university’s social presence back when MySpace was still the new kid on the block and has grown it into a robust program supported by a student social media team. She provides campus training on social media best practices, leads the university’s social media strategy, and serves on various committees, including the Emergency Planning Team. She has a B.S. in Public Relations from the University of Oregon, a B.S. in Anthropology from Western Oregon University, and is completing a Master’s in Archaeology from Portland State University.

Lisa has presented at multiple national and regional HighEdWeb conferences. She serves on the Association’s Annual Conference Program Committee as the Poster Track Chair and on the Membership Committee.

Aaron Knight

Aaron Knight, SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry

Aaron Knight has been with the SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry (SUNY-ESF) since 2008 and is currently a Senior Programmer/Analyst for Information Systems for the college. Aaron is responsible for internal web portals, course registration, grading and institutional reporting — basically, if it’s not a server and you wouldn’t notice him until it’s suddenly not working and is required for the college to function, he’s probably responsible for it. Aaron holds degrees in Computer Science and History (B.S.) and Computer Engineering (M.S.) from Syracuse University.

Aaron is a frequent presenter at the HighEdWeb Annual Conference, and previously served as a standing member of the HighEdWeb Membership Committee.

Jeff Stevens

Jeff Stevens, University of Florida Health

Jeff Stevens has been at the University of Florida since 2001, working on websites for Student Financial Affairs, the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, and UF Health, the university’s academic health center. In his current role, Jeff and his team are responsible for the content strategy for ufhealth.org, representing six teaching colleges and over 150 primary and secondary care facilities; as well as consulting and teaching over 1500 content editors using their centralized systems. Jeff has a B.S. in History and Mass Communications from Florida State University and an M.A. from the University of Florida.

Jeff is a frequent presenter at the HighEdWeb Annual Conference, and was the Committee Chair for the Florida Regional Conference in 2013. Jeff also serves on the Annual Conference Program Committee as a graphic designer and as a track chair, and as a staff member of Link, the Journal of Higher Education Web Professionals.

About the Board of Directors

The HighEdWeb Board of Directors is the governing body of the Association, working to create and manage policy, coordinate business issues, and manage the growth and prosperity of HighEdWeb. The Board meets monthly to discuss updates and issues, and works to lead various Association initiatives year-round.

Questions? Comments? Contact HighEdWeb President Sven Aas at president@highedweb.org.

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