HighEdWeb becomes Digital Collegium on Nov. 1. Discover the new brand

Content Creation Social Media

#HEWebHero Q&A: Liz Gross

We asked our HEWeb community, who is your #HEWebHero? Liz Gross is the founder and CEO of Campus Sonar, but some may know her better for her Twitter presence. Liz, along with the Campus Sonar team, has been sharing a number of helpful resources surrounding how higher education institutions are being impacted by COVID-19. The […]


Who is your #HEWebHero?

We don’t need to remind you that life is a little bit strange right now. You’ve probably written the phrase “uncertain times” in dozens of Facebook posts and other communications in the last few weeks. All of us at HighEdWeb know that our community members are taking crisis communications to a whole new level, and […]

2020 Conference

Thinking of presenting at HighEdWeb 2020? That’s a great idea!

So if you’re still pondering whether to submit a proposal for HighEdWeb 2020, here’s three things you should know.


COM9: Slay It by Ear: Building a Better University Podcast

43 episodes ago in February 2018, Julie Bartucca, Tom Breen, and Ken Best decided to launch UConn360 – a podcast from the University of Connecticut to tell stories in a different way. Julie explained how she had an idea to start a podcast thanks to her mini-obsession, and Tom had experience with podcasting plus was […]

2019 Conference Content Creation Marketing Social Media

SNT 9: Influencer Marketing in Student Affairs

Presenters: Megan Rolfs, @megrolfs Josie Ahlquist, @josieahlquist Elena Roth @elena_roth21 Session Information Megan Rolfs, Director of Marketing and Communications at Illinois State University Student Affairs Division, Josie Ahlquist, Higher Ed Digital Engagement & Leadership Consultant and Elena Roth, Marketing Graduate Assistant at Illinois State University, kicked off the session by asking attendees to share with […]

2019 Conference

COM2: Inclusive Content Strategy

According to AmyJune Hineline from Kanopi Studios, “diversity” and “inclusion” aren’t the same, but they’re often lumped together as one idea. Diversity, she explained, is about representation; the array of differences in humans. Inclusion, however, is a conversation deepened by diversity. Diversity is when you count the people, inclusion is when the people count. Many of […]

2019 Conference

STR1: How to Solve Difficult Problems

People can come to you with some strange, emotional, downright frustrating requests, Sven Aas of Mount Holyoke College told an audience at High Ed Web 2019 Monday. But, he said, you can help solve those problems by taking the time to judge them fairly and remembering that that people who are making those requests have […]

2019 Conference

Partner Article: #heweb19 Countdown: Meet Education Marketing Guru Brook Shepard

NOTE: As part of our sponsor agreements with Annual Conference sponsors, we occasionally post information provided by our sponsor-partners on their behalf. This is one such article. Thank you and enjoy! In preparation for #heweb19, we sat down with marketing expert Brook Llewellyn Shepard from Mason Interactive to discuss higher education marketing. A founder and […]

Social Media Uncategorized

The ‘why’ behind BYU’s Insta stories to address tough topics

Communications is a function of leadership. Changing policy doesn’t mean you’ve changed the culture. These are the two refrains my colleague Joe Hadfield and I have been uttering for the past two years at higher education digital communications conferences. We’ve presented at six conferences in those two years, talking through the work we’ve been able […]

Marketing Social Media

Developing an annual report that shines

In the age of technology, many social media managers are finding there are more and more data points available – both natively and within other tools – to measure social media efforts. But with an increase in data comes an increased likelihood of confusion for managers and their teams. Which data points matter? Are the […]

2019 Conference Six Questions

6+ questions with #heweb19 keynote Erik Qualman

We know that HighEdWeb conferences bring some of the best speakers in the world. This year’s #heweb19 conference in Milwaukee continues that trend as bestselling author, social influencer and motivational speaker Erik Qualman will highlight Wednesday, Oct. 16, activities. Author of five well-known books on digital leadership — including “Socialnomics” and “What Happens on Campus […]

2019 Conference

COMe one, COMe all to the Supporting our Communities (#COM) track!

If you were to ask an attendee what is the best part of High Ed Web, they’ll give you a lot of answers – the amazing presentations by peers, the insightful keynotes, the networking opportunities, possibly even the endless flow of caffeine available. But all those great things boil down to one important part of […]

Association News

Announcing new leadership at HighEdWeb

HighEdWeb is pleased to announce our newly-elected Board of Directors officers and members. The board works to create and manage policy, coordinate business issues, and manage the growth and prosperity of the association.

2019 Conference

Meet the 2019 HighEdWeb tracks

Colleges and universities do not exist to create websites. Crazy, right? But true. However, our schools’ digital presences have become vital assets that allow our schools to accomplish what they do exist to do: to recruit, retain, and educate our students; to create knowledge through research; and to serve our local, national, and global communities. […]


The Digital Delusion and What to Do About it

By 2020, more than $117 billion will be spent on digital and mobile advertising in the U.S. In the first half of 2018, brands spent more than $13.1 billion. And as college bound populations shrink, shift and are out priced by some in-state rates, I predict marketing budgets – in online and social – will […]

Regional Conference

Y’all Ready for HighEdWeb Southeast? A conversation with conference chair Danielle Sewell

Communicators, developers, marketers, and other creatives looking for an opportunity to warm up their winter with a little professional development are in luck. HighEdWeb Southeast is a month away. The community will gather on March 1 in Hartsville, South Carolina, for the one-day conference at Coker College. The schedule is packed with speakers, panelists, and […]

2018 Conference Analytics Content Creation Marketing Social Media

Is Facebook dead? Melissa Mae Cheater’s epic data-driven presentation says: Hard no!

“Facebook is dead!” How many times have you read that? In tech blogs, in industry blogs or even (cue the irony) on Facebook? Breaking (or not) news: Melissa Mae Cheater, digital content manager from Western University, has found that Facebook is alive and still very useful for higher ed. And she has the data to […]

2018 Conference

Sir Ken Robinson: Leading a Culture of Innovation

“You find something in your life that interests you, and then you pursue it.” -Sir Ken Robinson Ken didn’t think he would ever find himself in education. He began his closing keynote by asking the audience, “how many of you wished that you’d have a career in higher education at 15?” Not many. That’s because we […]

2018 Conference

Mermaids, magic and the myth of ‘us vs. them’: A quick #heweb18 overview

It’s perhaps an apt metaphor that one of our favorite stops during the recent HighEdWeb Conference in Sacramento (aka #heweb18) was the nightly mermaid shows at a place called Dive Bar. Because, in a way, higher ed communicators find themselves in the mermaid’s dilemma. The folk tale that also served as the basis for the Disney blockbuster “The […]

2018 Conference

Creating a Culture of Giving: Digital Tactics for Students and Young Alumni

Presented by Kendra Saldana Kendra Saldana said that when Cornell University noticed fewer young alumni (the previous ten graduating classes) were giving to their alma mater, she knew they had try something new. She just wasn’t sure what. Kendra and her office ran focus groups, asking young alumni about their barriers to giving. Responses ranged […]

2018 Conference

Erin Supinka Shares the Key to Understanding Everything

Presented by Erin Supinka, assistant director of digital engagement at Dartmouth College Erin Supinka is a big believer in context. “Without context, we can’t understand the full story,” she said during her session HighEdWeb in Sacramento. “Context helps us understand everything else.” What followed in her fast-paced, information-packed talk—titled “A Tale of Strategy Discovery and […]

2018 Conference Social Media

Are You Addicted to Data? Balancing the Heart and Mind in Your Content Strategy (MCS2)

Liz Gross and Andrew Cassel entered the session room tossing out vital organs to audience members. This distribution of hearts and brains set the stage for a presentation about the tug of war we often face between our feelings and “the numbers.” Each speaker played their role well. Andrew, of University of Alaska Fairbanks and […]

2018 Conference

Stop Taking Your School so Seriously

Presented by Melissa Dix and Bonnie Willison A few years ago, Beloit made a big mistake. A 30,000-person email-wide mistake. 30,000 high school sophomores and juniors received an email with the dreaded salutation,  Dear {first name}. Twitter blew up with students pointing at the glaring error. Parents weren’t having it either. But, Melissa didn’t let the […]


Campus Emergency Preparedness: Strategies for Content Creators, Tech Masters, and Campus Leaders

Presented by Lisa Catto “Future you is gonna be hella pissed at past you if you DON’T make the time to prepare for an eventual emergency.” -Lisa Catto There’s been an explosion on your campus! Students, staff or faculty may be hurt (or worse). First responders are rushing toward the scene. Then an earthquake strikes, […]

2018 Conference

Tough Topics and New Platforms: Using an Instagram Story to Help Sexual Assault Survivors

Presented by Jon McBride Sexual assault is a topic that is becoming a larger and larger part of the online conversation, both on college campuses and off. Jon acknowledged that this Instagram story has given him the opportunity to learn more about sexual assault, even re-titling his original presentation title, changing “victims” to “survivors.” Headlines often highlight […]