Content Creation Member Highlights Social Media The Working World

Taking care: HighEdWeb members start wellness newsletter

Working social media in many industries, particularly higher education, can be a demanding and constant responsibility. Realizing a need to provide something for these professionals, but without adding to cognitive load, two HighEdWeb members developed a wellness newsletter. Erin Supinka, associate director of digital engagement at Dartmouth College, and Krista Boniface, senior social media strategist […]

Content Creation Social Media

#HEWebHero Q&A: Liz Gross

We asked our HEWeb community, who is your #HEWebHero? Liz Gross is the founder and CEO of Campus Sonar, but some may know her better for her Twitter presence. Liz, along with the Campus Sonar team, has been sharing a number of helpful resources surrounding how higher education institutions are being impacted by COVID-19. The […]