HighEdWeb becomes Digital Collegium on Nov. 1. Discover the new brand

2011 Conference

Everything But the Kitchen Sink – A campus wide web redesign perspective #heweb11

View Session Description and Presenter Bio Photo by Daves Portfolio, Flickr. About AU American University is a 4-year university with around 13,000 students. It has both a politically and socially active student body. Time to Redesign Why should AU Redesign their website? Many people felt like it was visually boring, had outdated content, and complained about […]

2011 Conference

Measuring the result of the bright and shiny #heweb11

View Session Details and Presenter Bio Unlike almost all other media, social media seems to be the medium that real measurement forgot. Despite all the charts and graphs we can find in various social media platforms, most of us still aren’t getting a great read on what’s going on in our Facebook pages or Twitter […]

2011 Conference

Chris Wilson Keynote – Better Education Through the Web

Chris Wilson – #heweb11 Storify by Lacy Tite Tue, Oct 25 2011 18:12:56 Chris Wilson – #heweb11 Chris Wilson, of Google, shares some fascinating insight on the history of web programming, old school video games, and “magic” that we make with technology. alanariley@alanariley And @cwilso from Google takes the stage! And of course the squirrel. […]

2011 Conference

Herding Cats: Web Governance in Higher Education #heweb11

View Session Details and Presenter Bio Higher Ed presents unique challenges for web professionals — challenges which can prevent us from doing our jobs to the best of our abilities. If you’ve dealt with entrenched silos, information architecture issues, rolls and rolls of red tape, and campus politics, Mark Greenfield knows how you feel. And he […]

2011 Conference

Tying it all Together: Part Deux #heweb11

View Session Details and Presenter’s Bio. Photo by stevendepolo, Flickr. This session is the second chapter of the Kevin Prentiss’ original “Tying it all together” presentation which won best in track two years ago.  That presentation was known for its 20 second per slide thing.  That presentation was a vision.  This presentation discussed about where we […]

2011 Conference

Politics or treason: Toeing the line or begging forgiveness in site adaptation #heweb11

View Session Details and Presenter’s Bio. Photo by konjure, Flickr. Anne Petersen (@apetersen) of the University of  Illinois at Chicago may have shared the most re-tweeted acronym of HighEdWeb this year: FAVEs. Or Faculty Against Virtually Everything. So what do you do when a FAVE or a HiPPO (Highest Paid Person’s Opinion; another good one) wants […]

2011 Conference

Homepage Survival Guide: How to Raise Content from the Dead #heweb11

View Session Details and Presenter’s Bio. Photo by Maccio Capatonda, Flickr. Breath life into your site using content that’s already out there.  Missouri State’s website features embedded streams which gather feeds from multiple outlets (social media, RSS, etc). Instead of asking users to visit different presences across the web, the streams allow users to keep their […]

2011 Conference

Shawn Henry Keynote: Accessibility

Shawn Henry – #heweb11 Storify by Lacy Tite Tue, Oct 25 2011 19:15:42 Shawn Henry – #heweb11 meredith_tweets@meredith_tweets Love that the #heweb11 conference keynote is about accessibility! Mon, Oct 24 2011 18:13:36 ReplyRetweetFavorite Six Questions with Shawn Henry – #heweb11 Keynote | Link: The Journal of Higher Education Web Professionals Shawn Henry focuses her personal […]

2011 Conference

Crisis Communications on the Web #heweb11

View Session Details and Presenter’s Bio. Photo by Dunechaser, Flickr. No one wants to have to experience a crisis and communicate about it on the Web. But these days it’s essential that you have a plan to do when a tragedy does strike. That’s the message Nyleva Corley and Chris Latham from the University of Texas […]

2011 Conference Marketing Social Media

Beyond Blogging: Create an Integrated Online Student Ambassador Program #heweb11

View Session Details and Presenter’s Bio. Photo by linh.ngân, Flickr. In her presentation, Mallory Wood discussed the need for institutions to have a robust student ambassador program to meet the changing needs of both students and parents in making their decisions about the institution they would like to submit applications to. For about $4,000, Mallory built […]

2011 Conference

Top 5 HEWeb Developments Since #heweb10

Things move at the speed of light in Higher Ed. No, really.

2011 Conference

E-Expectations 2011: The Online Expectations of Prospective College Students and Their Parents #heweb11

View Session Description and Presenter Bio Photo by trudeau, Flickr. In February 2011, Noel-Levitz called 1,089 high school seniors and 517 of their parents. They asked them about how parents and students are different in their use of e-recruitment, how they are using mobile, how are they using social media, what online tools are most useful, […]

2011 Conference Uncategorized

On your mark, get set, mobile #heweb11

View Presentation Details Photo by Ambrosio Photography, Flickr. Forget the other 99 percent for the moment. Are you part of the 91 percent? The 91 percent of schools that don’t have a mobile website yet, according to recent data from West Virginia’s Dave Olsen. WIlliam and Mary’s Tiffany Broadbent and mStoner’s Doug Gapinski encouraged attendees at […]

Link Boxers: Geolocation, Google and Zagat, Hackathon

As school starts, the leaves turn and our thoughts point to how we can get more #GirlsUnderTrees on our web sites, there have been some keen techy nuggets floating around the news wires.

Workplaces Revealed

Workplaces Revealed: Laura Kenyon, SUNY Geneseo

My workplace isn’t a home office; it’s an office inside a home. Roemer House, or as we call it, “Roemer,” is home to SUNY Geneseo’s department of College Communications.

Social Media

2011 Commencement Roundup

We’ve assembled a sampling of things #highered folks tackled this year. Professionals in departments ranging from IT to marketing and all shades in between forged ahead this year to expand all things communication surrounding commencement ceremonies.

Six Questions

Six Questions with Mark Greenfield

Greenfield discusses the flattening of higher-ed, the design of a perfect classroom building, and how he missed out on a chance to see Led Zeppelin live.

Association News

Association News: June 2011

Upcoming events: HighEdWeb Regionals in Rochester and Arkansas, HighEdWeb 2011 in Austin

Social Media

In Defense of Human Tweeting

In August 2010, I made a simple change: I replaced the University of Rochester logo as the Twitter avatar with my own bespectacled mug, and was up front in the bio that the tweets were coming from me, Lori in Wallis Hall.

The Working World

What exactly would you say, you know, you do here?

People go by many names and titles, be it web manager, specialist, strategist, master, maven, guru or overlord. Titles are about as useful as job descriptions in predicting what exactly you will do.


From the Publisher

Are we on the right track? Let us know.

The Working World

Stop the Presses

While it took me a while to get used to the quiet and the slower pace, over time I realized that my immersion in an online newsroom had uniquely prepared me for the challenges of higher-ed web communications. While the context, and what’s at stake, varies greatly between journalism and higher education, many of the same communication principles apply.

The Working World

Skywalkering It

In the summer of 2009, I was about done with higher ed. In two different jobs at two different colleges, I felt as though I was always being held back from doing all I could do online, mostly due to political nonsense that had nothing to do with meeting goals and objectives.

Write for Link

At Link, we’re striving to bring some of the things that make HighEdWeb special into our pages: great content, cooked up by incredibly knowledgeable folks, delivered with a heaping dollop of humor. Link covers topics ranging from Applications and Standards to Social Media to Design to Programming, so whether you’re a web developer, social media […]

About Link

Link: The Journal of Higher Education Web Professionals is the official publication of the HighEdWeb Association. We publish, in a way that’s both informative and fun, high-quality content by well-qualified Web professionals working in higher-ed. Since our launch in 2011 under the leadership of founding publisher Laura Kenyon, we’ve tackled topics as diverse as mobile […]