As far as social media is concerned, 2008 might as well have been five decades ago, not five years ago. Facebook had 100 million users — today, it boasts more than 10 times as many. Twitter logged 100 million tweets per quarter. (Currently, it sees 400 million per day.) MySpace had not yet died and […]
Author: Georgiana Cohen
We dig deeper into Responsive Web Design by interviewing Matt Klawitter.
Responsive web design! All the cool kids are doing it. Since Ethan Marcotte wrote the book on the topic in 2011, it’s become the new, hip way of approaching web design amidst widespread device proliferation and the rise of mobile. If you were at the HighEdWeb 2012 conference, chances are you attended a session either […]
Stop the Presses
While it took me a while to get used to the quiet and the slower pace, over time I realized that my immersion in an online newsroom had uniquely prepared me for the challenges of higher-ed web communications. While the context, and what’s at stake, varies greatly between journalism and higher education, many of the same communication principles apply.