Does Instagram live up to the hype?
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Déjà vu all over again.
When we got to thinking about cool, new, free things we could do on campus for our students, Foursquare made a lot of sense.
Understanding the web as public versus private, or Internet versus intranet, is a simplification that does not reflect the significant differences that exist in nearly every higher education web site –there are six components that make up college and university web sites today.
Somehow, we’ve been doing this for a year now. Somehow, the academic year is rapidly coming to a close. And somehow, a column with as silly a name as this has survived a year too.
ALL CAPS: Pinterest
Pinterest: valuable tool for higher education?
Six Questions with Jamie Ceman
Jamie Ceman, marketing director for the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh, shares why – and how – integrated marketing communications works.
Ma’ayan Plaut talks about why the f*ck people should choose Oberlin, her Tumblr-love and how undergrads are like squirrels.
It’s March, and that can only mean one thing: workplace productivity is about to swirl the drain as college basketball takes center stage….er, I mean, “Hi Boss, how are you? No, just keeping my nose to the grindstone here. Lots of hard work going on. Have you checked out our Klout score recently? Whooeee!”
When up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A is added to a higher ed site, magic happens.
My job here at Brockport is officially called “Web Writer” but its morphed quited a bit since I arrived here in July of 2009. Similarly, the location of my actual workspace has had its nomadic moments as well.
Efforts to collect photos of students exploring all the opportunities on campus always seem harder than it should be. But a day in photos, with multiple contributors, is like a daylong scavenger hunt for real images.
In which we ask questions in a column ala Carrie Bradshaw.
Things in Higher Ed are better than we let on. But how do we build on our awesomeness to help our institutions be successful?
As Web Content Editor of Tarrant County College Susan Ragland develops and provides mandatory training for all website contributors. She is also responsible for maintaining the college district’s official social media accounts. With five campuses, an enrollment of about 50,000 and a full-time Web staff of only three, maintaining the site can be challenging. Susan’s […]
When we come to HighEdWeb, we see that we are definitely not alone. We support, help, and teach one another.
Angry Birds Turns Two, Foursquare Triples, Facebook + Dayton U = $50K scholarship
Six Questions with Bob Johnson
Bob Johnson, an experienced higher ed marketing professional, shares his thoughts on what he sees as marketing/Web/comm departments’ biggest gaps, his pet peeves and greatest lessons learned.
While I’m still digesting all of the killer ideas I came away with from the conference, I’m struck by the notion that you can boil down a lot of the messaging into two key questions: so what? and why not?
One f*cking great promotional website, let some Klout out of your Klout, opening the door to your Google+ page
Man in #000000 – heweb11
If you were lucky enough to be at The HighBall on October 25, you got to see some very special hewebbers pay tribute to Johnny Cash.
Seth Odell wants you to know that real-time campus event coverage is a beautiful thing. He also wants you to know that you have absolutely no excuse not to be doing it.
View Presentation Description and Presenter’s Bio. John Boyd from North Park University (@octothorp) started with a bang, or blow, by encourging us to “tap into your inner vandal”. Breaking things when you test is good (yes, GOOD!). This session was packed with helpful tips. Personally, it brought about many “doh! why didn’t I do this?!” […]
View Session Description and Presenter Bio Francis Zablocki, online alumni community manager at SUNY Geneseo, discussed his school’s experiences with online communities. I’m going to roll this session blog a bit it differently than others as this topic hits a bit closer to home for me than other sessions I attended. I have been and […]
View Session Description and Presenter Bio Photo by Daves Portfolio, Flickr. About AU American University is a 4-year university with around 13,000 students. It has both a politically and socially active student body. Time to Redesign Why should AU Redesign their website? Many people felt like it was visually boring, had outdated content, and complained about […]