2011 Conference

What Content Strategy Really Means for Higher Ed

View Session Details and Presenter’s Bio. While many of us still don’t have much room in our schedules, or someone to work full-time on content, Kate Johnson re-affirmed to us the importance working on the task of “strategy stuff” within content. It is important to remember that content strategists do more than create info-graphics. In […]

2011 Conference

Politics or treason: Toeing the line or begging forgiveness in site adaptation #heweb11

View Session Details and Presenter’s Bio. Photo by konjure, Flickr. Anne Petersen (@apetersen) of the University of  Illinois at Chicago may have shared the most re-tweeted acronym of HighEdWeb this year: FAVEs. Or Faculty Against Virtually Everything. So what do you do when a FAVE or a HiPPO (Highest Paid Person’s Opinion; another good one) wants […]

2011 Conference

Homepage Survival Guide: How to Raise Content from the Dead #heweb11

View Session Details and Presenter’s Bio. Photo by Maccio Capatonda, Flickr. Breath life into your site using content that’s already out there.  Missouri State’s website features embedded streams which gather feeds from multiple outlets (social media, RSS, etc). Instead of asking users to visit different presences across the web, the streams allow users to keep their […]

2011 Conference

Lost in a Map: Understanding the Direction of Your Campus Map #heweb11

View Session Details and Presenter’s Bio. Photo by quinn.anya, Flickr. The first thing Nick Catto has for anyone who is working on a campus map project is this: “Why are you doing this to yourself?” It’s not really as simple a project as it may seem to be on the surface, and Nick has a sense […]

2011 Conference Management & Professional Development

Project Management According to Attila the Hun #heweb11

View Session Details and Presenter’s Bio. The Feast of Attila, by Mór Than (1870) Daniel Frommelt took HighEdWeb attendees on a journey from the technology of today to an ancient world where a young, nomadic, future king with a bad attitude was, unbeknownst to him, contributing to modern project management. Daniel, fueled by something inside […]

2011 Conference

What Students Want in Their Mobile Application #heweb11

View Session Details and Presenter’s Bio. Photo by clemsonunivlibrary, Flickr. “[If you are above a certain age] you feel like an immigrant in a place where your children are natives.” – John Barlow, Grateful Dead lyricist. In the year 2000, 38% of students did not have cell phones. Today, that figure is 0%. Meanwhile, 38% of […]

2011 Conference

Shawn Henry Keynote: Accessibility

Shawn Henry – #heweb11 Storify by Lacy Tite Tue, Oct 25 2011 19:15:42 Shawn Henry – #heweb11 meredith_tweets@meredith_tweets Love that the #heweb11 conference keynote is about accessibility! Mon, Oct 24 2011 18:13:36 ReplyRetweetFavorite Six Questions with Shawn Henry – #heweb11 Keynote | Link: The Journal of Higher Education Web Professionals Shawn Henry focuses her personal […]

2011 Conference

Crisis Communications on the Web #heweb11

View Session Details and Presenter’s Bio. Photo by Dunechaser, Flickr. No one wants to have to experience a crisis and communicate about it on the Web. But these days it’s essential that you have a plan to do when a tragedy does strike. That’s the message Nyleva Corley and Chris Latham from the University of Texas […]

2011 Conference

Interdependency of Search and Social to Create Engaging Strategies #heweb11

View Session Details and Presenter’s Bio. Photo by david.train, Flickr.   In “Search & Social Convergence,” Martha Gabriel explains how everything on the web has become social. Search results are impacted by social media; social media are successful because of search. Meanwhile, content must be the driving force behind our marketing strategies. Search & Social Today, […]

2011 Conference

Making a CSS Framework that Works for You #heweb11

View Session Details and Presenter’s Bio. Photo by #avril# (pause), Flickr. This happens: You pick up that project from four years ago and know that all the CSS needs to be re-done. Honestly, though, you’d probably rather scream into a pillow than rewrite everything from scratch. Dan Sagisser, who lead’s Minnesota’s web standard’s group, has a […]

2011 Conference

Creative Services anyone? #heweb11

View Session Description and Presenter’s Bio Photo by H_Elise, Flickr. What is Creative Services? It’s an in-house creative team that blends capabilities across mediums. Writer on team writes for all. Designers design for web, facebook, video banners. Its the blending the skills of people and looking across several mediums. New trend of these services/unit on campus. […]

2011 Conference

Knowing What We Are: Refining DePaul’s Brand #heweb11

View Session Details and Presenter’s Bio. Why is branding in higher education so challenging? In most organizations, the brand is the outward expression of the mission, but that isn’t always the case in higher education. Why? Because our missions don’t always play well to the larger body of prospective students. Further, we have a tangled […]

2011 Conference Marketing Social Media

Beyond Blogging: Create an Integrated Online Student Ambassador Program #heweb11

View Session Details and Presenter’s Bio. Photo by linh.ngân, Flickr. In her presentation, Mallory Wood discussed the need for institutions to have a robust student ambassador program to meet the changing needs of both students and parents in making their decisions about the institution they would like to submit applications to. For about $4,000, Mallory built […]

2011 Conference

Plan to be a champ: Turn your school’s 15 minutes of fame into a year-around web effort #heweb11

View Session Details and Presenter’s Bio. Photo by atlnav, Flickr. University of Oregon’s web team is smart, because they’ve become strategic.  Their Celebrating Champions program, turns attention from big-time college athletics into a year-around narrative of university excellence. Strategic communications means you have a plan, says Zack Barnett.  Plans include goals, objectives, strategies and tactics.  It also […]

2011 Conference

Multimedia and Social Storytelling: Capitalize on Content #heweb11

Elizabethtown’s Donna Talarico presented to a full room that had a backdrop of a glorious view of Lady Bird Lake and downtown Austin. Donna’s very practical Web content workshop touched on these four main topics. What to do with the content that you have How to approach new content What to do when the well […]

2011 Conference

Customer Service & Social Media: You Can Do Better #heweb11

Mike Petroff, Web Manager for Enrollment at Emerson College offers three building blocks for providing good customer service online for your university: Listen. Build. Scale. The Customer Cycle In higher education, much of our resources go toward brand management and image. How does customer service play a role in your university’s brand? Brand Quality >> […]

2011 Conference Applications and Standards

Using WordPress to Power Your Institution’s Entire News Presence #heweb11

View Session Description and Presenter’s Bio Feel like your school’s news sites are out of control? Vanderbilt University did. They got the chaos under control by using WordPress, Lacy Tite told an audience at HighEdWeb 11. VU found itself posting a single story to multiple sites, controlled by multiple people. If a change had to […]

2011 Conference

Welcome to #heweb11!

Just like HighEd Web, Link, The Journal of Higher Education Web Professionals, is for you and by you — so we’ve got lots of ways to keep you connecting with, and participating in, this year’s conference!

2011 Conference The Working World

Groundhog Day again? Really?

I love higher education. But like any relationship, what originally attracts and enchants can later be irritating and disappointing.

2011 Conference Six Questions

Six Questions with Chris Wilson – #heweb11 Keynote

Chris Wilson talks about web development, Google TV and Cake v. Pie.

2011 Conference Six Questions

Six Questions with Shawn Henry – #heweb11 Keynote

Shawn Henry leads the World Wide Web Consortium’s (W3C) education and outreach activities promoting Web accessibility for people with disabilities.

2011 Conference

Top 5 HEWeb Developments Since #heweb10

Things move at the speed of light in Higher Ed. No, really.

2011 Conference

E-Expectations 2011: The Online Expectations of Prospective College Students and Their Parents #heweb11

View Session Description and Presenter Bio Photo by trudeau, Flickr. In February 2011, Noel-Levitz called 1,089 high school seniors and 517 of their parents. They asked them about how parents and students are different in their use of e-recruitment, how they are using mobile, how are they using social media, what online tools are most useful, […]

2011 Conference Uncategorized

On your mark, get set, mobile #heweb11

View Presentation Details Photo by Ambrosio Photography, Flickr. Forget the other 99 percent for the moment. Are you part of the 91 percent? The 91 percent of schools that don’t have a mobile website yet, according to recent data from West Virginia’s Dave Olsen. WIlliam and Mary’s Tiffany Broadbent and mStoner’s Doug Gapinski encouraged attendees at […]

Workplaces Revealed

Workplaces Revealed: Bruce Floyd, University of Florida

I work as a part of the University of Florida’s Marketing group in Tigert Hall, the main administration building and share the space with traditional marketers, PR folks, the news desk and part of the Creative Services team. The area is active as we are constantly either sending information out to the public about the […]