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Member Highlights

Despite distance, Brenden Sparks brings HighEdWebbers together in adventure

Imagine: You’re walking down a cold, dark hallway. All you can hear are the sounds of footsteps from the others slowly making their way forward with you. You don’t know what’s at the end of the corridor – but whatever it is – you know it’s going to put up a fight. Suddenly, you hear […]

Association News

Call for Committee Chair Volunteers: We can’t do it without you!

HighEdWeb is powered by volunteers. From coordinating our annual conference to maintaining our website, we would not be able to operate without the dedication of our committed volunteer community. Volunteering is not only a way to give back, but a way to push our Association forward. As the year comes to an end, we are […]

Content Creation Social Media

#HEWebHero Q&A: Liz Gross

We asked our HEWeb community, who is your #HEWebHero? Liz Gross is the founder and CEO of Campus Sonar, but some may know her better for her Twitter presence. Liz, along with the Campus Sonar team, has been sharing a number of helpful resources surrounding how higher education institutions are being impacted by COVID-19. The […]


#HEWebHero Q&A: Jeremy Tiers

We asked our HEWeb community, who is your #HEWebHero?  https://twitter.com/dear_preferred/status/1245469527074385920 Janice nominated Jeremy Tiers, Director of Admissions Services for Tudor Collegiate Strategies. It’s no wonder she recognized him for his pep talks because Jeremy has spoken at several conferences, webinars, and podcasts about enrollment marketing! Link: Anyone who follows you on Twitter knows you’re passionate […]


Who is your #HEWebHero?

We don’t need to remind you that life is a little bit strange right now. You’ve probably written the phrase “uncertain times” in dozens of Facebook posts and other communications in the last few weeks. All of us at HighEdWeb know that our community members are taking crisis communications to a whole new level, and […]

2019 Conference

STR5: Make Every Day a Giving Day – How Dartmouth’s Campaign Site Encourages Participation

Campaign websites should be about fundraising, right? Sarah Maxell Crosby from Dartmouth did some research and realized that many of them just…aren’t. They’re often more focused on explaining the goals of a campaign than the actual donor experience. After looking around at other higher education giving sites, Sarah realized that a great campaign website has […]


COM9: Slay It by Ear: Building a Better University Podcast

43 episodes ago in February 2018, Julie Bartucca, Tom Breen, and Ken Best decided to launch UConn360 – a podcast from the University of Connecticut to tell stories in a different way. Julie explained how she had an idea to start a podcast thanks to her mini-obsession, and Tom had experience with podcasting plus was […]

2019 Conference

COM2: Inclusive Content Strategy

According to AmyJune Hineline from Kanopi Studios, “diversity” and “inclusion” aren’t the same, but they’re often lumped together as one idea. Diversity, she explained, is about representation; the array of differences in humans. Inclusion, however, is a conversation deepened by diversity. Diversity is when you count the people, inclusion is when the people count. Many of […]

Marketing Social Media

Developing an annual report that shines

In the age of technology, many social media managers are finding there are more and more data points available – both natively and within other tools – to measure social media efforts. But with an increase in data comes an increased likelihood of confusion for managers and their teams. Which data points matter? Are the […]

2019 Conference

COMe one, COMe all to the Supporting our Communities (#COM) track!

If you were to ask an attendee what is the best part of High Ed Web, they’ll give you a lot of answers – the amazing presentations by peers, the insightful keynotes, the networking opportunities, possibly even the endless flow of caffeine available. But all those great things boil down to one important part of […]

2018 Conference

Sir Ken Robinson: Leading a Culture of Innovation

“You find something in your life that interests you, and then you pursue it.” -Sir Ken Robinson Ken didn’t think he would ever find himself in education. He began his closing keynote by asking the audience, “how many of you wished that you’d have a career in higher education at 15?” Not many. That’s because we […]

2018 Conference

Stop Taking Your School so Seriously

Presented by Melissa Dix and Bonnie Willison A few years ago, Beloit made a big mistake. A 30,000-person email-wide mistake. 30,000 high school sophomores and juniors received an email with the dreaded salutation,  Dear {first name}. Twitter blew up with students pointing at the glaring error. Parents weren’t having it either. But, Melissa didn’t let the […]

2018 Conference

Tough Topics and New Platforms: Using an Instagram Story to Help Sexual Assault Survivors

Presented by Jon McBride Sexual assault is a topic that is becoming a larger and larger part of the online conversation, both on college campuses and off. Jon acknowledged that this Instagram story has given him the opportunity to learn more about sexual assault, even re-titling his original presentation title, changing “victims” to “survivors.” Headlines often highlight […]

2018 Conference Content Creation

A people search engine: The power of human-to-human (H2H) marketing in higher ed

Presented by Lisa Nguyen and Amy Davis Lisa Nguyen described UC Davis as a “sleeper school, ” meaning that not a lot of people know about the college worldwide, but in California, it’s very popular. Their business school has a young but strong alumni program, and they have an equally strong but young and small team […]

2017 Conference

#LIT12 Building A Student Social Media Team

Lougan Bishop, web and digital media manager at Belmont University, kicked off our first ever lightning talk at HeWeb – talking about cultivating student teams. At Belmont, the “Boulevard Team” is a structured team which assists Bishop with content planning and creation, monitoring and moderating of flagship social media assets, and even serve as a […]

2017 Conference Management & Professional Development

#MPD7 – Culture Wins: Five Mistakes That Made Us Successful

For the Missouri State chorale, it was an unbelievable day. Of course, it took a lot to get there. The team at Missouri State, including Kevin Agee and Sara Clark, put in hours of work over several months to make a four minute performance work at the Presidential Inauguration Agee and Clark reflected on the […]

2017 Conference Marketing

Other Duties as Assigned: Developing a Podcast

Serial. Invisibilia. S-Town. Missing Richard Simmons. Podcasts have exploded as a new way to consume stories and information, and Jackie Vetrano of Skidmore College decided to dive in. This is Skidmore is the award-winning podcast now nearly 2 years and 30 episodes old, and Jackie shared her insight and tips for those of us who […]

2017 Conference Applications and Standards

#AIM4 – Mobile First: Writing and Designing Page Content in the Age of Mobile

Catherine Harwood, manager of web & social media at Eastern Florida State College prefaced her presentation with a note, that participants don’t need to be web developers to master designing content for mobile. It’s important because, as Harwood notes, more and more of our users are getting to our site via mobile sources. They arrive […]

Social Media Uncategorized

Go, Team (HESM)!

Many of us have an opportunity once a year to meet up at a conference, learn from others, politely borrow ideas to bring back to our own institutions, and ask questions that can often only be answered by others in the field. Wouldn’t it be great if we could collaborate with others across the country […]

Content Creation Social Media

5 things your social media manager wishes you knew

Social media in higher education started as a fad; something that could exist or not. Suddenly, institutions needed to be on every platform imaginable — Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, even Yik Yak — and social media manager positions began to pop up everywhere. With roughly 78% of Americans on social media, it’s clear the position is […]

Marketing Social Media

Crushin’ on institutions this Valentine’s Day

Ah Valentine’s Day…the commercialized holiday for lovebirds. Chocolates, flowers, teddy bears; they’re all over department stores willing to be purchased. But hey, who said that this holiday was only for those in relationships? You’ll fall in love with these ways institutions engaged their audience on Valentine’s Day. Love Stories From the classroom to sporting events, […]

Six Questions

Six Questions with Ron Bronson

Ron Bronson is the UX strategist and service designer for the City of Bloomington, Indiana, and a partner at service experience agency Practical Starship. He’s spent over a decade working at higher ed institutions around the country in web management roles. A frequent speaker, Ron has been on stage at events including AMA Higher Ed […]

2016 Conference

One Cool Thing — Everyday

How can you make an app based on your communication strategy? Should you? Dan Kim and Jennifer Judge Hensel from the University of Michigan College of Engineering promise to help us think it through in AIM10. The One Cool Thing app launched in Fall 2014, has been downloaded by 13,00 people on 6 continents, gets […]

2016 Conference

The Next Generation: Post-Millennials…What Is Next?

Although Doug Tschopp from Augustana College presented on this topic at Higher Ed Web 2015, the 2016 material has changed based on new discoveries. What do we call them? Gen Z? iGeneration? Rainbow Generation? Really, researchers have not come to a consensus on a name yet. Doug promises to investigate generational theory, and perhaps even define it […]

2016 Conference Uncategorized

Nested Content Strategy: Adding Layers to Rally Content Teams

Amy Grace Wells reflects on her time at the University of South Carolina in MCS6, and as the first content strategist, she had to build a lot of new things. Of course, she had to fight all the “stuff” that got thrown at the wall, with not much sticking. The goal: build a consistent and […]