Shawn Henry leads the World Wide Web Consortium’s (W3C) education and outreach activities promoting Web accessibility for people with disabilities.

HighEdWeb becomes Digital Collegium on Nov. 1. Discover the new brand
Shawn Henry leads the World Wide Web Consortium’s (W3C) education and outreach activities promoting Web accessibility for people with disabilities.
Things move at the speed of light in Higher Ed. No, really.
View Session Description and Presenter Bio Photo by trudeau, Flickr. In February 2011, Noel-Levitz called 1,089 high school seniors and 517 of their parents. They asked them about how parents and students are different in their use of e-recruitment, how they are using mobile, how are they using social media, what online tools are most useful, […]
View Presentation Details Photo by Ambrosio Photography, Flickr. Forget the other 99 percent for the moment. Are you part of the 91 percent? The 91 percent of schools that don’t have a mobile website yet, according to recent data from West Virginia’s Dave Olsen. WIlliam and Mary’s Tiffany Broadbent and mStoner’s Doug Gapinski encouraged attendees at […]
I work as a part of the University of Florida’s Marketing group in Tigert Hall, the main administration building and share the space with traditional marketers, PR folks, the news desk and part of the Creative Services team. The area is active as we are constantly either sending information out to the public about the […]
As school starts, the leaves turn and our thoughts point to how we can get more #GirlsUnderTrees on our web sites, there have been some keen techy nuggets floating around the news wires.
Panoramas can be created easily using Photoshop, and can be a great addition to your normal photo rotation.
Web design has a simple goal: to convey to the user the desired message in the most effective manner possible. An infinite number of design possibilities exist; however, the “right” design choices rely on the web designer understanding the audience. When beginning a project, the team should determine the target audience of the piece. Once […]
Whether you’re attending heweb2011 online or in the flesh, Link’s got you covered.
Where you work really does affect your quality of product and mental health.
Project management makes order of the chaos.
Routine. Drudgery. Burnout. They’re things we all fear or deal with when we work in an industry long enough. Little did I know those feelings would be hip-checked into oblivion by a group of women on wheels, in fishnets.
Remember when summertime used to be slow and there wasn’t much news and the politicians walked arm-in-arm singing kumbaya while they enacted policies that benefitted the nation? Nah, we don’t either. Here are some of the latest items that caught our eye in this busy summer.
My workplace isn’t a home office; it’s an office inside a home. Roemer House, or as we call it, “Roemer,” is home to SUNY Geneseo’s department of College Communications.
Social networks targeted to certain niches of the population — the smaller and less well-known sites — might also serve your institution’s goals.
Reuben’s keynote discussed the value of changing and challenging traditional approaches to both the Web and marketing, but also noted the value of principles from “old school” companies.
We’ve assembled a sampling of things #highered folks tackled this year. Professionals in departments ranging from IT to marketing and all shades in between forged ahead this year to expand all things communication surrounding commencement ceremonies.
Google+ for business… and Higher Ed?, Google Rebrands Blogger & Picasa, Harvard on Social Media: Privacy, Schmivacy
Greenfield discusses the flattening of higher-ed, the design of a perfect classroom building, and how he missed out on a chance to see Led Zeppelin live.
As social media manager for the University of Wisconsin-Madison, I frequently try out new platforms to see if our students are using them and if they might become useful tools for my campus. For the past 18 months, I’ve channeled my inner mayor on Foursquare, a location-based social network.
I’ve come to understand that the Web and its amazing possibilities for connection are my passion. This stuff engages my brain at all times, in all spaces. I might be making dinner and come up with a whole new commencement communication strategy, or be gardening and figure out how to make the newest page design more user-friendly.
Web accessibility is an important aspect of the World Wide Web many of us develop, maintain and manage every day. An understanding of web accessibility is essential for anyone who produces content.
Upcoming events: HighEdWeb Regionals in Rochester and Arkansas, HighEdWeb 2011 in Austin
What’s forecasted for iCloud; Toshiba anti-iPad; High-speed internet, low price?
In August 2010, I made a simple change: I replaced the University of Rochester logo as the Twitter avatar with my own bespectacled mug, and was up front in the bio that the tweets were coming from me, Lori in Wallis Hall.