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2013 Conference Uncategorized

The State of Social Media in Higher Ed

As far as social media is concerned, 2008 might as well have been five decades ago, not five years ago. Facebook had 100 million users — today, it boasts more than 10 times as many. Twitter logged 100 million tweets per quarter. (Currently, it sees 400 million per day.) MySpace had not yet died and […]

2013 Conference

Rethinking Your Online Forms: No Assembly Required

Rethinking Your Online Forms: No Assembly Required Cedric Savarese, Founder and CEO Jaret Manuel, Director of Business Development Veer West LLC / FormAssembly.com Cedric and Jaret started their #heweb13 session with a quick intro of FormAssembly, a web form management solution that serves over 6,000 customers, including over 70 higher ed institutions. Cedric worked at […]

2013 Conference

Let Me Introduce Myself: Faculty, Staff, and Student Profiles for Community-building and Careers

Matt Ryan and Mark Heiman, of Carlton College , said officials at their school had three goals when it came to building community among their faculty, staff and students. They were: We’d like faulty to share their accomplishments with the world We’d like staff to be able to learn about each others accomplishments We’d like […]

2013 Conference

Hacking Away at Cancer

On Monday, Oct. 7, over 75 web professionals came together for HigherEdWeb’s first Hackathon. Their goal was to create a new website for the Ride for Roswell and to be able to connect the site with their fundraising systems. The redesigned website will make The Ride site mobile-friendly and simpler for users to navigate.  “An improved […]

2013 Conference

Transform the trivial: reasons to cut basic tech support from your ‘to do’ list

Jennifer Chance, Web Team Manager, University of Texas at Austin Mark Foster, Technology Coordinator, University of Texas at Austin session abstract Jennifer and Mark offer a vision of a better future for higher ed web teams. HighEdWeb13 has given the audience plenty of ideas for new initiatives, this twelfth and final track session promises to […]

2013 Conference

Thank You #heweb13

Dear #heweb13, Every time I leave the annual High Ed Web conference, and I’ve done it five times now, I find myself trying to put together some sort of cogent, blog-worthy reaction to the whole thing. And more often than not, I wind up defeated. It’s just so hard to wrap up all the great […]

2013 Conference Uncategorized

Your Mobile Strategy: More Walk, Less Talk.

Mobile web is the biggest tech trend ever. Like, EVER. It’s bigger than radio. Bigger than TV. It’s the biggest tech trend E-V-E-R. If you learned nothing else from the HighEdWeb 13 “Your Mobile Strategy: More Walk, Less Talk” session, Drew Hill (@drewl), Web Director at Binghamton University wants you to understand this simple fact. […]

2013 Conference

CSS3 Polyfill Bootstrap Grid – or what are all these new frameworks and why should you care?

ResponsiveCSS3PolyfillBootstrapGrid.JS – What The Heck Is This Stuff and why should you care? By Shahab Lashkari, Product Manager, OmniUpdate, Inc., @OUShahab. View Presenter’s Slides Shahab Lashkari, a Product Manager at OmniUpdate, Inc., explained the long title in one short sentence: What you need to build your templates from scratch that are browser compatible. There are […]

2013 Conference Management & Professional Development

Faux Pas, Phonies, & Flub-Ups: How to handle social media spoofs, goofs, & snafus

“Faux Pas, Phonies, & Flub-Ups: How to handle social media spoofs, goofs, & snafus” Presenter: Donna Talarico (@donnatalarico), Director, Integrated Communications, Elizabethtown College Track: Management and Professional Development, Session 11 (#MPD11) “Social media is human. To err is human.” Ergo, those of us who work in social media will err. We’re all happy to share […]

2013 Conference

Lessons Learned from a Lockdown: Using Web and Social Media in a Crisis

Presenters: Kerri Hicks and Cindy Sabato Track: Management and Professional Development (#mpd6) Winning a red stapler award at a HighEdWeb conference means presenters must do a reenactment of their award-winning session. In the case of Kerri Hicks and Cindy Sabato of University of Rhode Island, their presentation WAS a reenactment – a lively, engaging and […]

2013 Conference

Marketing and Web Strategy: Repurposing Traditional Promotions into Innovative Formats

  Jennifer Younker, Executive Director of Marketing and Communications and Romana Amato, Web Strategist from Saint Xavier University presented MCS10 Marketing and web strategy: repurposing traditional promotions into innovative formats. St. Xavier University is a smaller school in the Chicago suburbs where the team is working to use new marketing methods to boost awareness. Although data suggests that […]

2013 Conference

“What Did I Miss?” How Lecture Capture is Changing the Classroom

TIE10: Daniel Laird, SUNY Oswego Thou shalt install lecture capture in every classroom of the greatest science building in the universe! This was the 11th commandment handed down from on high to Daniel Laird on SUNY Oswego. This is tough when there are so many choices: onsite or in the cloud? Manual vs automatic? Do […]

2013 Conference

WordPress Themes 102

http://2013.highedweb.org/EventDetail.aspx?guid=6664462c-6579-4175-a411-3dbfaf5fb0b1 I’m going to start with a disclaimer:  I love WordPress.  I’ve been using it for 12 years and I’ve never encountered another system that I could customize, deploy and develop as quickly as I can with this platform.  (Who knew it would be categorized as a PLATFORM that long ago??) Curtiss Grymala walked us […]

2013 Conference Six Questions

Six Questions with Scott Stratten

Scott Stratten is the President of UnMarketing.   1. What’s the biggest mistake an institution — of higher education or otherwise — can make in its marketing strategy? Trying to be cool and “relate” to students. If you’re thinking about using “YOLO” or “Swag” in your materials, you need to go for a walk and clear your head. […]

2013 Conference

Facing your fears: Is a mobile app challenge right for you?

Cornelia Bailey is a Strategic Innovation Consultant at University of Chicago. At #heweb13, she gave us some insight into the mobile app challenge she has directed now going into its third year. Whenever you begin a mobile app challenge, it is important to ask yourself two big questions: “Why would we do this?” “How much […]

2013 Conference

Podcasts: Building Engagement Outside of the Classroom and Helping Online Students Persist

Online students who feel a closer connection to the university are more likely to persist in their studies and succeed. But how do we help students who are physically located all over the world connect to Penn State like the residential students do? That was the goal for Liam Jackson and Richard Brungard of PSU’s […]

2013 Conference

The Nittany Leopard: Usability Testing and the Penn State Website Redesign

Dave Housley | Penn State University In February 2013, Penn State launched its first redesign in 12 years (yikes!). It took a couple of years of planning, research, and testing to take their problematic old homepage, to the final product of today. Argue Less, Test More The team learned early on they could sit around […]

2013 Conference Uncategorized

Applying Progressive Enhancements to Multimedia Content

Nikki Massaro Kauffman, Interface Designer, Penn State World Campus,  and Heather Dawson, Instructional Designer, Penn State World Campus presented MCS#8 Applying Progressive Enhancements to Multimedia Content to describe how they approach the myriad requests for video production. Their presentation was focused on online course content, but their approach works for any project where text, images and video pieces may intersect. So, […]

2013 Conference Uncategorized

Stand Back… I’m Going to Try Science!

  Karlyn Borysenko blinded us with science Tuesday afternoon at #heweb13. Borysenko, a marketing manager with Eduventures, showed her audience how to conduct research into the wants, needs and habits of their respective audiences. Borysenko, armed with a lab coat and a tie-dye shirt, took the 100 people in the audience through differences in and […]

2013 Conference

Something Borrowed, Something New: Promoting the Use of Digital Equipment Through Short Term Use

TIE8: Rob Withers, Miami University The academic library collection is way more than just books. As Rob Whithers at Miami University explained, the libraries offer a huge variety of digital equipment that their 15,000 undergraduates can check out: laptops, iPads, Nexus tablets, iPad keybard covers and much more. Students check out power cords separately, which […]

2013 Conference

Stay Ahead of the Curve: Conducting a Competitive Web Content Analysis

Presented by: Rick Allen – Content Strategist, Meet Content Description: In order to make informed decisions about your website, you need an understanding of what content you have and whether or not it’s any good. Hello, content audit! But how do you know if your findings are appropriate, if your recommendations will work, and if your […]

2013 Conference

In Users We Trust: Using social media APIs to build community

Sheri Lehman, Ben Cole | Chapman University  In users we trust. Our users are not only our target audience, its the people who use our web products — basically everyone. They read, comment, and share our content, but they also reinvent content, publish and fact check your content. Ultimately, they build community. Our users want […]

2013 Conference

YES YOU CAN! How to Train 650 CMS Users in 18 Months (with Only 3 Employees)

Presenters: Corie Martin Director, Creative Web Services, Western Kentucky University Diana Keeling Web Application Developer, Western Kentucky University http://2013.highedweb.org/EventDetail.aspx?guid=9b4e06a3-52f3-484e-952e-8784662dd311 Western Kentucky University found themselves tasked with a complete website recreation using a CMS a few years ago. Today, they shared with us how they managed to undertake this giant task and how they were able […]

2013 Conference

Turn That Job Into a Profession

Presenter: George Sackett District Coordinator Web Communications, St. Louis Community College John Wagner Systems Programmer, Princeton University http://2013.highedweb.org/EventDetail.aspx?guid=37c45b47-109a-494c-9979-3eb58184107f I think someone is really gunning for “Best of Track” – starting out with “Somewhere Over the Rainbow”? Alright, I’ll take it. John took the propeller off his hat for this presentation and looked to the audience […]

2013 Conference Management & Professional Development

Challenge Shmallenge – We’ve Got This: Women Paving Their Own Way

Aiming to overturn the idea that it’s hard to find women willing to participate on panels, this session collected 9 feisty females with lots to say:   Karine Joly (moderator) Alana Riley Colleen Brennan-Barry Tonya Oaks Smith Mallory Wood Robin Smail Lori Packer Magen Tracy Georgy Cohen   Question 1: Joly asked about the “glass […]