2013 Conference

CSS3 Polyfill Bootstrap Grid – or what are all these new frameworks and why should you care?

ResponsiveCSS3PolyfillBootstrapGrid.JS – What The Heck Is This Stuff and why should you care? By Shahab Lashkari, Product Manager, OmniUpdate, Inc., @OUShahab. View Presenter’s Slides Shahab Lashkari, a Product Manager at OmniUpdate, Inc., explained the long title in one short sentence: What you need to build your templates from scratch that are browser compatible. There are […]

2013 Conference

WordPress Themes 102 I’m going to start with a disclaimer:  I love WordPress.  I’ve been using it for 12 years and I’ve never encountered another system that I could customize, deploy and develop as quickly as I can with this platform.  (Who knew it would be categorized as a PLATFORM that long ago??) Curtiss Grymala walked us […]

2013 Conference

Placemarks to the People

Gabriel Nagmay (@nagmay) of Portland Community College presented TPR6 where he discussed how maps are an incredible tool that combines location based data with details. After launching with a map of Mirkwood (yes, a Hobbit reference)he showed the 2010 US Census data map of Portland. Every dot on the map represented a person and it […]

2013 Conference

Managing Your CSS Development with Sass and Compass

If you know what you’re doing, why not write it out straight? This is one of the main arguments when it comes to considering switching to a CSS preprocessor, such as Sass or LESS. Jason Woodward, being a programmer, understands the benefits offered by Sass to manage styles. By moving past standard CSS you become […]