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2016 Conference Management & Professional Development

Still Slacking Off (AIM8)

Conversations: All. Over. The. Place. Sound familiar? You’re not alone. In 2014, Lacy Paschal found her team of 12 at Vanderbilt University buried in email. To defeat this monster, her office implemented a new tool and process. Overwhelmed turned to organized. Scattered turned to streamlined. At this year’s High Ed Web, Paschal revived and updated […]

2016 Conference

Give it a REST: Using the WordPress JSON REST API

Have you ever wanted to pull data out of your LDAP system and use it in your WordPress site? How about pulling data from WordPress to use in another system or in a mobile app? Or using structured data from a non-WordPress source in your CMS? The REST JSON API may help you to do […]

2016 Conference

One Cool Thing — Everyday

How can you make an app based on your communication strategy? Should you? Dan Kim and Jennifer Judge Hensel from the University of Michigan College of Engineering promise to help us think it through in AIM10. The One Cool Thing app launched in Fall 2014, has been downloaded by 13,00 people on 6 continents, gets […]

2016 Conference Applications and Standards Content Creation Marketing Technological Developments

Easy, Affordable Digital Signs with WordPress

How to get relevant campus-related news out to students? Greg Marshall, Web Services Manager at Truman State University argues that the majority of scholars doesn’t read their emails, doesn’t read college print materials and due to different target audiences, is hard to reach on social media. “The best way to reach them is to reach students […]

2016 Conference

At Your Service: The Next Generation of Offline Websites

Erik Runyon Technical Director, University of Notre Dame erikrunyon.com https://2016reg.highedweb.org/psessions/detail/0a51e842-86df-43da-820e-6784c0b3980c Time is valuable. Tension of waiting is palpable. There are lots of things that raise our stress levels…things like standing in line, watching a horror movie…and waiting for web pages to load. In fact, the heart rate of your visitors increases 38% while waiting for a web […]

2016 Conference

Fienen’s Totally Topical, Terrific Tutorial to Tag Manager

In Michael Fienen’s “Fienen’s Totally Topical, Terrific Tutorial to Tag Manager” (#AIM3), attendees took a fast-paced dive into the what’s and why’s of Google Tag Manager: what it is, what it can do, why you should use it. Tag Manager is all about working smarter, not harder. Anyone who has done anything beyond basic Google […]

2014 Conference

Taking the Web Offline

Session Details Erik Runyon, Director of Web Communications, University of Notre Dame led this session on storing data in the client browser and how you could leverage it to speed up your websites. He used this to power the #heweb14 website — which is how most of us were able to still access the conference website, even when the […]

2013 Conference Uncategorized

Your Mobile Strategy: More Walk, Less Talk.

Mobile web is the biggest tech trend ever. Like, EVER. It’s bigger than radio. Bigger than TV. It’s the biggest tech trend E-V-E-R. If you learned nothing else from the HighEdWeb 13 “Your Mobile Strategy: More Walk, Less Talk” session, Drew Hill (@drewl), Web Director at Binghamton University wants you to understand this simple fact. […]

2013 Conference

Facing your fears: Is a mobile app challenge right for you?

Cornelia Bailey is a Strategic Innovation Consultant at University of Chicago. At #heweb13, she gave us some insight into the mobile app challenge she has directed now going into its third year. Whenever you begin a mobile app challenge, it is important to ask yourself two big questions: “Why would we do this?” “How much […]

2013 Conference

In Users We Trust: Using social media APIs to build community

Sheri Lehman, Ben Cole | Chapman University  In users we trust. Our users are not only our target audience, its the people who use our web products — basically everyone. They read, comment, and share our content, but they also reinvent content, publish and fact check your content. Ultimately, they build community. Our users want […]

2013 Conference

Measuring Web Performance

Dave Olsen from West Virginia University presented AIM 4-Measuring Web Performance with several tips to help optimize web loading. He started out with some startling statistics about how the average weight of a homepage today is 1.5MB. And that 77% of that weight is due to images and javascript.  Making a website responsive doesn’t solve that […]

2013 Conference

Leveraging mobile to increase student engagement

Presenter Andrew Smyk began by posing a simple question–do mobile/second screen devices belong in the classroom?–and then flips the conversation luchador-style because, quite simply, they’re already here. Smyk frames as a kind of match up: in one corner, we have the technology gap. You ask someone over 60 to draw you a phone, and it’s […]

2012 Conference

Pushing Pixels to Cranking Code: Designing Responsively from Mobile to HD

Pushing Pixels to Cranking Code: Designing responsively from mobile to HD Philip Zastrow, Web Designer, University of Notre Dame “We get it; responsive design is important. So I deleted a bunch of slides.” Philip Zastrow of Notre Dame skipped the justification for and overview of responsive Web design and jumped right in to how to […]

2012 Conference Applications and Standards

WordPress to the nth Power: Multisite and Beyond

WordPress to the nth Power: Multisite and Beyond Curtiss Grymala, University Webmaster, University of Mary Washington Last year about this time, University of Mary Washington launched its new website using WordPress (WP) for its CMS. In the intro to his presentation, Curtiss Grymala, webmaster at UMC, explained that the overarching university site comprises 250 sites […]

2012 Conference

The Care and Feeding of Your Vendor

The Care & Feeding of Your Vendor Fran Zablocki, Project Manager, mStoner, and Colleen Brennan-Barry, Assistant Director, College & Community Relations, Monroe Community College Colleen is an assistant director of community relations at a community college. Fran is a strategist for creative Web agency. Can they both just get along in the jungle of higher […]

2012 Conference

Top 5 Developments in Higher Ed: #heweb12 Edition

If you believe the futurist Raymond Kurzweil, humanity is entering a phase of it’s existence where technology will start to merge with our humanity at a downright dizzying pace. In his book “The Singularity is Near” Kurzweil envisions a future where humans live forever, we’ll upload our minds into computers, and virtual reality is the […]

2012 Conference Applications and Standards

Cloud Computing: Planning for Success

Cloud Computing: Planning for Success Jason Fish, Manager of Application Programming, Purdue University This session appeared to be for adults only with a focus on how we can satisfy our users (give them more for them to choose); perform better (meet technology needs); last longer (meet user demands) and pick people up (use other platforms […]

2012 Conference

Mobile is so 2011. Make all your campus sites & apps look great on any device.

Mobile is so 2011. Make all your campus sites & apps look great on any device. Brett Pollak, Director, Campus Web Office, UC San Diego They are a mix of designers and engineers and run Hannon Hill CMS. 29k students. Most majors in social sciences. They are experiencing an increase in engineering due to recent […]