HighEdWeb New England, Call for HighEdWeb Board Members

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HighEdWeb New England, Call for HighEdWeb Board Members
It’s The Holiday Season, and here at the Boxers that means our thoughts turn to the worst holiday song of all time, pulling out our Charlie Brown Christmas DVD…. and to watching cat fights between internet companies.
If we think about how we go about our daily tasks of creating and maintaining our institutions’ websites, we may realize we’re a little more science-minded than we expected.
In this edition of the Boxers, we assiduously avoid the Black Friday advertising and the radio stations that have already started their all Christmas programming.
I found support to persevere in my task; it was like hearing an inner voice telling me I can do this –except it wasn’t an inner voice, it was real people encouraging me by tweets.
HighEdWeb: coming to a region near you!
Near Field Communication (NFC), rather than QR codes, is poised to transform location-based services
Presenter: Jamie Oberdick, Associate Editor, Publications, Penn State University Showing not telling. That’s an important lesson taught in the craft or creative writing. Jamie Oberdick, associate editor of publications, at Penn State University uses story-telling to market the products and services offered by his division. His presentation covered why creating fresh content is beneficial, how he […]
ALL THE THINGS! Gabriel Nagmay, Web Designer, Portland Community College Serving 100,000+ students a year, Portland Community College is the largest institution of higher learning in the state of Oregon. As the lead web designer for the college, Nagmay works with a small, but very dedicated team who is charged with providing web services for […]
Rebuilding a University Homepage to be “Responsive.” Twice. In Less than a Year. Erik Runyon, Manager of Interactive Development, University of Notre Dame Eric Runyon @erunyon from Notre Dame will be “covering responsiveness because it hasn’t been done this year.” He asked “…anybody remember how many responsive sessions last year? Zero.” (10 this year) Why […]
Govern or be Governed! or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Mob with Pitchforks David DeMello, Director of Web and Digital Strategy, Cornell University – ILR School David DeMello, director of web and digital strategy at Cornell University’s School of Industrial and Labor Relations is an old-school web guy, working on the […]
Web Content Strategy: Effective Pairing Multimedia, Social Media and Text Romana Amato, Web Strategist for Saint Xavier University Romana summed up her content strategy goal as working to create a distinct user experience. While simply said, there are many steps to achieving that outcome. First, the action of finding useful and usable content to lure […]
Give ’em some social media love. The right people using the right tools for the right reasons (UAD 10) Alana Riley, Associate Director of Web Design & Social Media, Providence College Alana jumped right into her talk with a series of resources. These tools offer images and support materials from this talk: Pinterest: https://pinterest.com/alanariley/ Speakerdeck: […]
Pushing Pixels to Cranking Code: Designing responsively from mobile to HD Philip Zastrow, Web Designer, University of Notre Dame “We get it; responsive design is important. So I deleted a bunch of slides.” Philip Zastrow of Notre Dame skipped the justification for and overview of responsive Web design and jumped right in to how to […]
Websites Featuring User-Created Content in Drupal Dwight Nagy, Assistant Director of Web Communication, The College of Wooster Dwight Nagy at Wooster is telling us about his Drupal 6 deployment of Wooster Headline News WHN. WHN | Wooster Headline News What began as a text only daily email blast containing pages upon pages of repetitive content needed […]
Web Accessibility: 30 Tips in 45 Minutes Terrill Thompson, Technology Accessibility Specialist, University of Washington Here are the tips: 1. Add ALT text to web pages and documents. Most people forget to describe the image effectively. 2. Use headings properly. Most people forget h1 tags form landing points for content and organization like an outline. […]
WordPress to the nth Power: Multisite and Beyond Curtiss Grymala, University Webmaster, University of Mary Washington Last year about this time, University of Mary Washington launched its new website using WordPress (WP) for its CMS. In the intro to his presentation, Curtiss Grymala, webmaster at UMC, explained that the overarching university site comprises 250 sites […]
Mobile Warming: A New Approach To Student Engagement Kyle Bowen, Director, Informatics, Purdue University Kyle Bowen of Purdue opened his session with the anecdote about the two Australian girls who got lost in a tunnel. For their cry for help, they went to Facebook to update their status. In their moment of life and death, […]
Campus Change Agent: Build a Campus Web Community Where There is None Matt Herzberger, Director of Web Communications, Florida International University Matt Herzberger sees his job as “building better web” on Florida International University’s campus. But with the web constantly changing, and the politica in higher ed, how do you get there? Make connections and […]
The Care & Feeding of Your Vendor Fran Zablocki, Project Manager, mStoner, and Colleen Brennan-Barry, Assistant Director, College & Community Relations, Monroe Community College Colleen is an assistant director of community relations at a community college. Fran is a strategist for creative Web agency. Can they both just get along in the jungle of higher […]
#uwrightnow: Integrating your social, web, editorial and marketing networks John Lucas, Social Media Manager, University of Wisconsin-Madison, and Nick Weaver, Director of Web Services, University of Wisconsin-Madison What do you get when your boss tells you to pull together a “new huge enterprise multimedia project,” in just about two months? The communications staff at the […]
Inbound School Marketing: Is Your Website Helping the Bottom Line? Kyle James, CEO, nuCloud What is the purpose of your website? According to High Ed Web veteran Kyle James CEO of @nuCloud and founder of @eduGuru, it’s all about marketing. “Marketing is the single most important function of your website,” says James, “Fundamental changes in how we […]
Fording the Social Media Channel Ma’ayan Plaut, Social Media Coordinator, Oberlin College, and Mallory Wood, Marketing Manager, mStoner Ma’ayan Plaut of Oberlin College and Mallory Wood of mStoner took attendees on a trip down the Oregon Trail of social media, giving users a strategy to arrive safely at the other side, and providing lots of […]
Designing for next steps (a forward moving user experience) Nick DeNardis, Associate Director of Web Communications, Wayne State University It was standing room only for Nick’s presentation right after the Adam Savage keynote, and he set about busting some myths of his own about the user experience on the Web. Myth #1: The back button […]
You Have an iPhone. Now What? Brent Passmore, Director of Web Development, University of Central Arkansas, and Carrie Phillips, Director of New Media, Arkansas Tech University Did you just get an iPhone? Looking to use your iPhone to do things better at work? Brent Passmore and Carrie Phillips have some suggestions for you. Both Brent […]