What’s it like to to be part of the Google Street View Partner Program? Corie Martin takes us inside.

HighEdWeb becomes Digital Collegium on Nov. 1. Discover the new brand
What’s it like to to be part of the Google Street View Partner Program? Corie Martin takes us inside.
Inside: #heweb12 is sold out; We need bloggers for #heweb12; Regionals report from #hewebAR and #hewebSYR; Belonging to HighEdWeb
Rachel Reuben: higher ed digital marketing rock star.
As access to Web-based services has become an essential part of higher education, universities across need baseline testing to demonstrate compliance with state and federal laws.
HighEdWeb Syracuse brought Web professionals from across five states and three countries for a packed day of sessions covering everything from crisis communications and student social media ambassadors to Wordpress plug-ins and mobile learning.
Higher Ed trends; Being declared “cool” in a court of law; Coding, socially
Nicholle McGill reports out on mobile’s next steps
Lots of goings on!
It’s June and here at Boxers, our thoughts have turned to grilled meats, cold beverages and a nice afternoon on the deck. But the boss wanted another column, so here it is. We apologize if we got any barbeque sauce on it.
Does Instagram live up to the hype?
FInd out the best methods for adding new functionality to your WordPress site.
Déjà vu all over again.
If I am going to spend 40 (or, let’s face it, close to 50) hour a week in a space, I want it to feel like home.
When we got to thinking about cool, new, free things we could do on campus for our students, Foursquare made a lot of sense.
In the age of Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, FourSquare and SCVNGR, there are new ways to engage your audience that are inexpensive and interactive, without sacrificing impact.
Summer is here! That means everything slows down and you can take it easy as…. oh, who are we trying to kid?
Leadership Academy; Regional and National Conferences
Understanding the web as public versus private, or Internet versus intranet, is a simplification that does not reflect the significant differences that exist in nearly every higher education web site –there are six components that make up college and university web sites today.
Somehow, we’ve been doing this for a year now. Somehow, the academic year is rapidly coming to a close. And somehow, a column with as silly a name as this has survived a year too.
The basic tenets of play enable us to explore new and innovative solutions in safe spaces, to experiment in ways perhaps not possible in “real” life, and to motivate one another (and ourselves) to take much-needed and desired actions.
Pinterest: valuable tool for higher education?
Jamie Ceman, marketing director for the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh, shares why – and how – integrated marketing communications works.
A year? Where does the time go?
You can get a LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP) server up and running in just 30 minutes.
Ma’ayan Plaut talks about why the f*ck people should choose Oberlin, her Tumblr-love and how undergrads are like squirrels.