Six Questions

Six Questions with Rachel Reuben

Rachel Reuben: higher ed digital marketing rock star.


Web Accessibility Baseline Testing

As access to Web-based services has become an essential part of higher education, universities across need baseline testing to demonstrate compliance with state and federal laws.

Applications and Standards Marketing Mobile Regional Conference Technological Developments Usability

#hewebSYR 2012

HighEdWeb Syracuse brought Web professionals from across five states and three countries for a packed day of sessions covering everything from crisis communications and student social media ambassadors to Wordpress plug-ins and mobile learning.

Link Boxers: Trend Watch, iPads are Cool, Social Programmers

Higher Ed trends; Being declared “cool” in a court of law; Coding, socially


Mobile Demystified at untether.talks

Nicholle McGill reports out on mobile’s next steps

Association News

#hewebAR; #heweb12 Early Bird Registration; Scholarships

Lots of goings on!