From the 2024 HighEdWeb Annual Conference: Kristin Gasser shares how her web team untangled a mess caused by years of saying “yes” to tackle a big content restructuring project.

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From the 2024 HighEdWeb Annual Conference: Kristin Gasser shares how her web team untangled a mess caused by years of saying “yes” to tackle a big content restructuring project.
From the 2024 HighEdWeb Annual Conference: Josh Charles shares lessons to build leadership qualities and advance your career.
The web team from the University of Tennessee Chattanooga shares a playbook for hiring, training, mentoring and more.
Learn how to give an award-winning conference presentation from HighEdWeb Red Stapler honorees.
Professional development refers to increasing our knowledge or our skills, but it can also include increasing our network. There are a variety of professional development opportunities available to us within our careers. Some of the most common ones include conferences, workshops or classes (in person or online). Working in higher ed often forces us to […]
This month, Chris D’Orso — long-time HighEdWebber and associate director of admissions for SUNY Brockport — has turned a lot of heads and turned up awareness and funds for a serious cause. Chris is wearing a dress every day as part of the Dressember project to raise money for prevention of and awareness about the […]
The HighEdWeb Community Groups continue on Zoom. And you’re invited!
Starting this year, the Academies and the Annual Conference are breaking up. But don’t worry. This is a mutual parting of ways, and it’s a chance for the Academies to be better than ever.
As a past best of track and best of conference speaker, Day Kibilds indeed gets things done. She began her session “Get. Things Done.” saying she’s not necessarily an expert in any one thing (sidebar: you are, Day). Rather, she said she’s well-versed in many things. “There’s something I’ve learned to do over time – […]
Mike Powers wants you to use your imagination. “Picture this,” he started his best-of-track session titled “If They Would Just Listen to Us.” “The phone rings in a busy office. The person answers. A professor is on the line. He has a picture of his favorite students under a tree. And he wants it posted […]
Apply for a part-time volunteer position on the HighEdWeb Technical Committee.
Presented by Scott Olivieri. Session details. Presentation slides. “This session will be uncomfortable, but we have to talk about it,” Scott Olivieri said as a preface to his HighEdWeb 2018 presentation. Titled “Diversity on Higher Education Websites,” Olivieri examined ways institutions try—and many times fail—to portray an authentic representation of campus diversity on their websites. Olivieri […]
Every curling match begins with handshakes and teams telling each other “good curling.” Every curling match ends that way. These bookends set the tone for a sport that is high on sportsmanship and, according to Jesse Lavery, assistant vice president of college relations and digital strategy at Alleghany College (and an avid curler), and are […]
More than 15 years into my career, I’ve now had three institutions and more than a decade under my belt, with a few more years in newspapers and a stop in private industry for a couple more. Here’s what I’ve learned.
If you are a first-time attendee at the HighEdWeb conference, you might do a double-take when you look at the schedule and notice a track marked “Management and Professional Development” (aka #MPD). After all, this is a web conference! One might be forgiven for thinking it should be full of nothing but code, content management […]
Amy Calhoun’s session description was certainly intriguing – save enough time to take Fridays off? Yes, please! Amy introduced her talk with this video: Amy’s first bit of advice was to take the word “busy” out of our conversations. “To me, busy implies that the person is out of control of his life.” – Derek […]
For the Missouri State chorale, it was an unbelievable day. Of course, it took a lot to get there. The team at Missouri State, including Kevin Agee and Sara Clark, put in hours of work over several months to make a four minute performance work at the Presidential Inauguration Agee and Clark reflected on the […]
Across our college campuses, summer brings orientation and advice to our newest students. But many are also starting new jobs in the HighEdWeb field; some new to this strange yet wonderful creature that is higher education. Whether you’re coming into higher ed from journalism, non-profits, agencies or elsewhere, you deserve your own set of advice […]
Mark Greenfield serves as the director of web services at University at Buffalo, and he will be presenting Web Governance at the 2017 Leadership Academy. It’s a two-day deep-dive, immediately before the HighEdWeb Annual Conference, that offers leadership training to web leaders and managers. In October, I will be traveling to Hartford, Connecticut, to teach a half-day workshop on […]
We learn so much at Higher Education Web Professional’s annual conference and come away with so many incredible ideas—but what happens after we get home? At HighEdWeb, you often hear people talk about searching for their “one thing” – a golden nugget, a key takeaway. Of course, you can return to work with plenty of […]
Are you missing that #heweb excitement? Are you needing a creative boost for your WordPress projects? You can still experience WordPress sessions, expertise, and networking with users across the world without the expense and without the hassle of travel! Mark your calendar for an all-day virtual event on NEXT Monday, January 23, 2017, and join […]
Conversations: All. Over. The. Place. Sound familiar? You’re not alone. In 2014, Lacy Paschal found her team of 12 at Vanderbilt University buried in email. To defeat this monster, her office implemented a new tool and process. Overwhelmed turned to organized. Scattered turned to streamlined. At this year’s High Ed Web, Paschal revived and updated […]
What happens when you take Stanford’s School of Humanities and try to centralize the school’s web resources and support across a nursery school, an archaeology collection, a slang dictionary, a collection of 10th century manuscripts, and a variety of academic departments, interdisciplinary programs, and research projects? Dustin Liang, Web and Operations Manager, Stanford University, and […]
Can you explain what you do for a living—and how you contribute to your campus community—succinctly? If folks have a hard time understanding your job or your team’s role, you might be not be getting the credit you deserve. That was the idea behind Explain Your Work! 5 Public Speaking Tips You Can Use Now. […]
Robin Smail is the UX renegade inspiration you never knew you always needed. Just enough time for a final run thru on my #heweb16 talk, “That is Not My Job.” Come watch me talk about fluffy stuff. LAFAYETTE!!! #mpd4 — Robin2go (@Robin2go) October 17, 2016 In her “That Is Not My Job” talk, she addressed […]