Eight mid-year resolutions for social media managers from Link columnist Kevin Agee.

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Eight mid-year resolutions for social media managers from Link columnist Kevin Agee.
Our friends at Visit Sacramento are launching a social media contest for HighEdWeb attendees next week. (Not that this crew needs any sort of special inspiration to tweet a lot.) The first contest is on Sunday and Monday, and it’s called “GO WEST.” Post on Instagram or Twitter, using the hashtags #heweb18 and #visitsacramento: 1. […]
Twitter chats – or planned conversations linked together through a common hashtag – can be valuable tools for brands and organizations, higher education included. Dave Tyler, of The College at Brockport shared his experiences engaging with his institution’s community this way in his presentation, “Is This Hashtag Really Necessary: Taking the Plunge into Twitter Chats.” […]
I found support to persevere in my task; it was like hearing an inner voice telling me I can do this –except it wasn’t an inner voice, it was real people encouraging me by tweets.
It’s June and here at Boxers, our thoughts have turned to grilled meats, cold beverages and a nice afternoon on the deck. But the boss wanted another column, so here it is. We apologize if we got any barbeque sauce on it.