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2018 Conference Content Creation Usability

Turn Data into Actionable Insights with Amy Grace Wells

The Content/UX Academy helps participants learn to research, plan and build content strategy based on user experience, best practices and analytics. On Saturday, October 20, Amy Grace Wells will communicate the difference between user goals and business goals in an intimate, hands-on workshop. Amy Grace is a content strategist and UX designer with nearly 15 years of […]

2016 Conference Content Creation Social Media

#FridayReads: Library and campus engagement through social media

Susie Kirk and Lacy Wolfe from Henderson State University‘s Huie Library explore the reasons academic libraries need social media in their talk at HighEdWeb 2016. With thousands of hidden gems and resources in libraries its hard for visitors to know what exists at all. To raise people’s awareness of materials and services, social media is a valuable tool to […]

2016 Conference Content Creation Marketing

Words words words: How to write sizzling content

“Words are fun. Words are your friends.” is what Donna Talarico states in her highly entertaining talk at HighEdWeb 2016. Writing content for the web is all about telling a compelling story. Knowing what makes a good story, and what makes a story good is as essential as knowing the audience: who we are writing for, […]

2016 Conference Applications and Standards Content Creation Marketing Technological Developments

Easy, Affordable Digital Signs with WordPress

How to get relevant campus-related news out to students? Greg Marshall, Web Services Manager at Truman State University argues that the majority of scholars doesn’t read their emails, doesn’t read college print materials and due to different target audiences, is hard to reach on social media. “The best way to reach them is to reach students […]

2016 Conference Content Creation

Pics or It Didn’t Happen: How to Get the Most from Your Photos and Videos

Everything is being captured today. Universities and colleges are producing massive amounts of pictures and videos covering various events, happenings, and everyday situations happening on and around campus. The content is shared on social media, websites, digital signage, and used for press releases, fundraising efforts, as well as included in various promotional material. Martin Vloet, Director […]