About halfway through “‘Can You Do It In The Dark?’ Making Your Social Media Accessible” — by Justin Romack, assistive technology coordinator with the Department of Disability Services at Texas A&M University, and Chris D’Orso, associate director of undergraduate admissions at the College at Brockport — Chris asked the room: “How many of of you think […]
Tag: UAD: Usability

It’s always fun when you receive less-than-specific guidance on mission-critical campus projects, especially related to the web. At HighEdWeb 2017, Martin Sickafoose from Purdue University showed us that even something as nebulous as “make the website cool” can be accomplished through data-driven, strategic decisions. A brief history of Purdue’s website Martin started his presentation by […]

Self-described morning person Lisa Catto kicked off the first morning of HighEdWeb 2016 in the UAD track with a tale of what went wrong with a website redesign process (#UAD1) mired in silos, led by the Department of Unicorn Studies and working with Lord Vendormort. The website redesign project at Lisa’s school took a wrong turn […]
Accessibility 101

Stephen Fornal from Tarrant County College, discussed the important of accessibility in university (well really, ALL) websites. The goal of his UAD9 presentation was to convince us to level the field and be inclusive; website accessibility should not only be about the law. Stephen pointed out that from a marketing perspective, it is estimated that […]

Presenter: Zach Richard, Marketing Analyst, Notre Dame @zrichard4 Session Details: #uad4 Zach Richard, who nearly didn’t wear pants to his presentation, didn’t just tell us how he increased conversions: he showed us how he did it. And what they’ve done at Notre Dame is pretty impressive. Attract, Interact, Convert Most sophisticated marketing shops focus on two […]
Go Bold or Go Home

So UAD1 was supposed to be “Your Website is a Window Not a Billboard” but it was renamed in final edits to be “Go Bold or Go Home #nofilter” The team from Beloit College (including Melissa Dix (@akamelissa), Jason Hughes (@jasonhugheshere) and Bill Mortimer) focused their presentation on a rebranding effort created to boost admission […]

Let’s face it: We’re not 16 anymore, and Mark Heiman, Senior Web Application Developer at Carleton College (better known as @wyrdebeard) doesn’t want to be that age, but he knows that we need to think that way to do our jobs better. Carleton College reworked their homepage after a series of focus groups that […]
Matt Ryan and Mark Heiman, of Carlton College , said officials at their school had three goals when it came to building community among their faculty, staff and students. They were: We’d like faulty to share their accomplishments with the world We’d like staff to be able to learn about each others accomplishments We’d like […]

Dave Housley | Penn State University In February 2013, Penn State launched its first redesign in 12 years (yikes!). It took a couple of years of planning, research, and testing to take their problematic old homepage, to the final product of today. Argue Less, Test More The team learned early on they could sit around […]