The holiday card: a fixture of the higher educations communications landscape.
Tag: 2011.9
November 2011
As Web Content Editor of Tarrant County College Susan Ragland develops and provides mandatory training for all website contributors. She is also responsible for maintaining the college district’s official social media accounts. With five campuses, an enrollment of about 50,000 and a full-time Web staff of only three, maintaining the site can be challenging. Susan’s […]
When we come to HighEdWeb, we see that we are definitely not alone. We support, help, and teach one another.
Universities have to consider quite a bit in developing a mobile strategy. What devices do you support? Do you go the app or mobile web browser? How do you display disparate information in a cohesive way?
Angry Birds Turns Two, Foursquare Triples, Facebook + Dayton U = $50K scholarship