Association News

Why to consider presenting

Every year, the Higher Education Web Professionals Association hosts multiple events that rely on higher education professionals to serve as presenters. The presentations can range from brief sessions to posters to workshops. Carrie Harris Phillips offers a few benefits of presenting at one of these events. 1. Fulfill a resolution You vowed to try something […]

2021 Conference

Why speak at HighEdWeb? Let us count the ways …

The deadline for submitting a speaking proposal for the always-awesome HighEdWeb annual conference is almost here: Monday, April 19! This year’s conference unfolds online on Oct. 4 and 5, but it can’t happen without people sharing your time and expertise. You can submit a 45-minute proposal (pre-recorded, with a live Q&A) or an energetic 10-minute […]

2017 Conference

You should speak at HighEdWeb 2017, and yes I’m talking to you

Everyone else reading this article thinks I am talking to them, but they’re wrong. I’m actually talking to you. Hello! It’s great to see you. May I say you are looking spiffy today – is that a new jacket? I just wanted to make sure you knew that you really should speak at the HighEdWeb […]