View Session Details and Presenter’s Bio. Photo by konjure, Flickr. Anne Petersen (@apetersen) of the University of Illinois at Chicago may have shared the most re-tweeted acronym of HighEdWeb this year: FAVEs. Or Faculty Against Virtually Everything. So what do you do when a FAVE or a HiPPO (Highest Paid Person’s Opinion; another good one) wants […]
Author: Lori Packer
As Director of Digital Media at the University of Rochester, Lori Packer is responsible for the design, maintenance, and content strategy for several central University websites, including the University’s homepage and news site. Lori is also part of the design and editorial team for, an online magazine for research news from more than 60 universities around the world.
In Defense of Human Tweeting
In August 2010, I made a simple change: I replaced the University of Rochester logo as the Twitter avatar with my own bespectacled mug, and was up front in the bio that the tweets were coming from me, Lori in Wallis Hall.
I work for the University of Rochester’s Creative Services area in the basement of Wallis Hall (or as we prefer, “the garden level”) with the graphic designers, photographers, and print publications folks.