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2017 Conference Marketing Uncategorized

How to increase your digital budget in 10 minutes

JP Rains successfully argued for a 250 percent increase in his digital budget at Laurentian University via conference call from a hotel room in Las Vegas on just a few hours sleep. He shared his story in a 10-minute lightning talk at HighEdWeb 2017. Between 2012 and 2016, the digital budget the college had to […]

2017 Conference Usability

Using data to define cool at Purdue University

It’s always fun when you receive less-than-specific guidance on mission-critical campus projects, especially related to the web. At HighEdWeb 2017, Martin Sickafoose from Purdue University showed us that even something as nebulous as “make the website cool” can be accomplished through data-driven, strategic decisions. A brief history of Purdue’s website Martin started his presentation by […]

2017 Conference

We Live in a Pay to Play World—Let’s Embrace It!

Only five percent of your Facebook page audience sees your organic content, and it’s been that way for a long time. It’s time for social media managers (and their bosses who hold the purse strings) to recognize that social media—like all other media—isn’t free. Even $10 can make a difference on Facebook. This was the […]

Applications and Standards

Form Vs. Function: Is that a WP Theme or Plugin Function?

FInd out the best methods for adding new functionality to your WordPress site.