HighEdWeb becomes Digital Collegium on Nov. 1. Discover the new brand

Association News Community Groups Management & Professional Development

Volunteering for professional development

Professional development refers to increasing our knowledge or our skills, but it can also include increasing our network. There are a variety of professional development opportunities available to us within our careers. Some of the most common ones include conferences, workshops or classes (in person or online). Working in higher ed often forces us to […]

Association News

Call for board nominations: Help lead HighEdWeb!

HighEdWeb is looking for candidates to serve on the association’s Board of Directors. Check out the job description for a full list of responsibilities, duties and qualifications. The HighEdWeb board advances the association’s mission of educating digital professionals working at higher education institutions. Board members govern the association and help shape its future. Members are […]

Association News

Call for Committee Chair Volunteers: We can’t do it without you!

HighEdWeb is powered by volunteers. From coordinating our annual conference to maintaining our website, we would not be able to operate without the dedication of our committed volunteer community. Volunteering is not only a way to give back, but a way to push our Association forward. As the year comes to an end, we are […]

Association News Management & Professional Development

Attention techies: We want YOU

Apply for a part-time volunteer position on the HighEdWeb Technical Committee.