Presenters: Corie Martin Director, Creative Web Services, Western Kentucky University Diana Keeling Web Application Developer, Western Kentucky University Western Kentucky University found themselves tasked with a complete website recreation using a CMS a few years ago. Today, they shared with us how they managed to undertake this giant task and how they were able […]
Author: Eric Grucza
Webmaster for the University of Kentucky College of Engineering.

Presenter: Martha Gabriel, Professor, HSM Educacao Twitter: @MarthaGabriel “We shape our tools and thereafter our tools shape us” – Marshall McLuhan. This was the opening quote for Martha’s talk, and with good reason. The digital revolution has forced change in most, if not all, aspects of our lives. It is not only important for us […]

If you know what you’re doing, why not write it out straight? This is one of the main arguments when it comes to considering switching to a CSS preprocessor, such as Sass or LESS. Jason Woodward, being a programmer, understands the benefits offered by Sass to manage styles. By moving past standard CSS you become […]