Ed Koch, New York City Mayor from 1978-89, used to ask New Yorkers: “How’m I doin’?”
He received responses of varying politeness.
Although this isn’t NYC in the 80s, I’d still like to know how you think we’re doing.
The staff of Link wants to give you the information you need by covering the topics you want. In our first three issues, we’ve looked at social media, analytics, management, work life, technology updates and even thoughts from Jared Spool and Todd Sanders.
This is a great start. But we want to cover more. Like the conferences, we want to also focus on application and standards, content, and technical (aka, propeller hats required) topics. And covering those topics doesn’t necessarily mean writing an article, either. We’re open video how-tos, audio interviews, even a comic.
We’re also switching our publishing schedule. We’d rather Link be filled with valuable content and come out less frequently, than be published quickly and suffer in quality. Like a squirrel looking to survive a State College, Pa. winter, we’re looking to stock up on stellar content. Following this issue, look for new issues to publish on the second Tuesday of each month. Issue #4 hits your RSS feed on June 14.
Are we on the right track? Let us know. Leave a message in the comments, tweet at us with #heweblink or send us an email.
‘Cause, as a native New Yorker, I’d like to know, “how’s Link doin’?”