Association News

HighEdWeb Announces New Committee Chairs

The Higher Education Web Professionals Association is pleased to welcome the following new committee chairs:

Membership Committee: The Membership Committee manages the administration of the Association’s membership program, implements and expands member benefits, and is the voice of the Association’s members.

Jacob Dolan – co-chair, Membership Committee (Content & Benefits)

Jake Dolan; MSU photo by Kelly GorhamJacob Dolan is a Montana native with a passion for all things digital. With a degree in computer science from Montana State University, he has spent the length of his professional career at his alma mater. His efforts have resulted in the continued growth and investment in his team, their work’s scope, and their impact on the university’s strategic goals.

Dolan has been involved with the HighEdWeb community since the 2008 conference. For him, that first conference was an unforgettable experience as his perspectives on the Web profession and higher education were profoundly changed. He hopes that through the development of the HighEdWeb membership program he can give back to the community that he credits with much of his own professional success.

Shelley Keith – co-chair, Membership Committee (Technology)

keith-shelleyShelley Keith is a 20-year Web professional with a decade of higher education experience, a frequent conference presenter and a passionate advocate for positive technology user experiences. Keith is the director of digital communications for the University of Mary Washington in Fredericksburg, Virginia. Previously, from 2004 to 2013, she was the manager of Web communications and marketing at Southern Arkansas University. Keith has a bachelor’s of business administration from Southern Arkansas University, a master’s of science in information quality from the University of Arkansas at Little Rock, and she also is a 2013 graduate of the HighEdWeb Leadership Academy.

Since 2007, she has served HighEdWeb in various capacities, from conference track chair to vendor support to special event chair. She has chaired three HighEdWeb Regional Conferences, and she has served as the communications manager for the HighEdWeb Regionals Conference Committee.

Regional Conference Committee: The Regional Conference Committee works closely with approved regional HighEdWeb Conferences on scheduling, organizing, logistics, planning, budgeting and marketing of these events.

Nick DeNardis – chair, Regional Conference Committee

Nick DeNardis, director of digital communications at Wayne State University, leads the strategy, execution and implementation of all public-facing digital communications for the university. His team is responsible for websites, social mediadenardis-nick and digital signage. They also are responsible for creation and maintenance of several university-wide tools including the content management system, events calendar, RSVP system, HTML email creator, form creator and short URL system. DeNardis has 10 years of experience optimizing university websites for a forward-moving user experience.

DeNardis is a nationally recognized speaker, blogger and event organizer, has presented at HighEdWeb conferences multiple times.

Technical Committee: The Technical Committee evaluates, updates, proposes, implements and maintains the technological systems used by the Association.

Jason Woodward – chair, Technical Committee

Jason Woodward served as a senior Web systems analyst and assistant director for Cornell University for eight years before venturing out on his own; he is now an independent consulting programmer.


Woodward has been with HighEdWeb since 2005, making numerous contributions as a presenter at Association conferences, an early organizer and co-chair of Regional conferences, a Technical Committee member and, now, Chair. 


For a list of active committees, please visit our website:

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