Mark Greenfield serves as the director of web services at University at Buffalo, and he will be presenting Web Governance at the 2017 Leadership Academy. It’s a two-day deep-dive, immediately before the HighEdWeb Annual Conference, that offers leadership training to web leaders and managers. In October, I will be traveling to Hartford, Connecticut, to teach a half-day workshop on […]
Author: Mark Greenfield
Mark Greenfield is a highly regarded, influential member of the higher education web community. He is an experienced consultant and an award winning speaker who is known for his thoughtful vision of the future of the web and technology on college campuses. He is very active in the web community serving on numerous boards and committees as well as being the owner and driving force behind the uwebd social network, an active community of over 3,500 higher ed web professionals from across the world.
Six Questions with Mark Greenfield
Greenfield discusses the flattening of higher-ed, the design of a perfect classroom building, and how he missed out on a chance to see Led Zeppelin live.