Have you ever visited a restaurant and eyed the delicious options, unable to pick just one? Fretting over which one to pick and wishing you could have it all. Then you see it – the buffet. That glorious option where you don’t have to pick just one.
The poster track at HighEdWeb is your conference buffet. Over the course of an hour, you can explore topics representative of all of our tracks. It’s also a great way to see what’s going on in a part of the higher ed web spectrum different from your day-to-day work.
This session operates differently from the presentation sessions. All of the posters will be set up in one space where you can freely wander around them at your own pace. The best part? You can have one-on-one conversations with the 20+ poster presenters, which allows you to dive in and ask questions.
Visit the 2018 conference schedule and check out the poster sessions on Monday, Oct. 22, at 11:45 a.m. You’ll see sessions on content strategy, user experience, accessibility, agile development and more. Here are a few of the many posters we’re excited to share this year:
- “’Can’t Fight This Feeling (But Should)’: Cerebral vs. Visceral Content Strategy”: Kyle Wohlenhaus will cover how to develop a data-driven content strategy that will get buy-in from your campus community.
- “’Like a Robot’: Web Design, Usability, and Instruction in Academic Libraries”: Terezita Overduin will share findings from her library’s usability testing during a redesign to help you create a website useful for both new and veteran students.
- “Chatbot for Student Services: A Case Study for Singapore Management University”: Weeseri Goh and Greg Krygsman will tell you how they’ve used an AI-Chatbot to address more than 1,000 potential student questions on a 24/7 basis.
- “Managing Migration/Redesign from One CMS to Another”: Dan Demmons will talk about the experience of migrating external-facing websites from SharePoint 2010 to a cloud-hosted WordPress solution.
- “Walking on Air: Editorial Management Using Airtable”: Jeffrey Stevens will share how his team is using the cloud-based database tool AirTable to serve as an editorial calendar and robust Digital Asset Management system.
I look forward to seeing you in Sacramento!
Lisa Catto
Poster track chair