2018 Conference Social Media

Building a student social media team

Presented by Lougan Bishop As higher ed professionals, we’re often called upon to wear many hats…all at the same time. And it can be overwhelming! Five years ago, to take on some of these tasks, Lougan started a volunteer student team to help with social media. He called them the Boulevard Team (think street team, except […]

2018 Conference

Inclusion for All! Making Your Social Media Content Accessible

Presented by Erika Forsack from Virginia Commonwealth University. Many of us know that web content has laws and regulations regarding accessibility. Social media does not. There are no officially adopted guidelines, and people can’t edit the code on social media to meet accessibility needs like they can on their website. How does someone with healing […]

2018 Conference

More Than Numbers—Your Data Doesn’t Need to be Boring

Presented by Chris Seek, web and digital design manager at the Office of the University Controller at the University of Colorado Chris Seek sees a lot of numbers in any given day. His challenge, he explained during a HighEdWeb session titled “Your Data Doesn’t Need to be Boring,” is how to present those numbers a […]

2018 Conference

Tough Topics and New Platforms: Using an Instagram Story to Help Sexual Assault Survivors

Presented by Jon McBride Sexual assault is a topic that is becoming a larger and larger part of the online conversation, both on college campuses and off. Jon acknowledged that this Instagram story has given him the opportunity to learn more about sexual assault, even re-titling his original presentation title, changing “victims” to “survivors.” Headlines often highlight […]

2018 Conference Content Creation

A people search engine: The power of human-to-human (H2H) marketing in higher ed

Presented by Lisa Nguyen and Amy Davis Lisa Nguyen described UC Davis as a “sleeper school, ” meaning that not a lot of people know about the college worldwide, but in California, it’s very popular. Their business school has a young but strong alumni program, and they have an equally strong but young and small team […]

Content Creation Social Media

Too much content? I’m getting mixed signals.

Many view institutional social media accounts as the central hub to see exactly what’s happening on campus; past, present, and future. There’s constant debate over what content is “Facebook worthy” or should be live-tweeted throughout the event, but what happens when you have too much content? Too much content sounds like the best problem to […]

2015 Conference

Snapchat: Yes, You Should Be Using This App

The final presentation of the Marketing and Communications track focused on one of the newer social media channels: Snapchat. Presenters Tony Dobies and Candace Nelson from West Virginia University consider it to be growing to the point that they expect it to push ahead of the likes of the big three (Facebook, Twitter and Instagram). […]

2015 Conference

Future of Social Media in HigherEd

What a Tumblr Learned Meerkating His Periscope?: The Future of Social Media & Higher Ed presentation pitched by Ron Bronson was a completely different animal by the time we met in MCS 11. Ron admitted that when he proposed his idea to #heweb15, he thought Periscope and Meerkat were the greatest apps ever, and now […]


The Web Culture Shift

A successful web content strategy requires support from people all across an organization — people with a wide range of experience and comfort levels when it comes to web work. To get our people invested in web content and thinking strategically, we first need to change the culture and thinking surrounding “web” in our institutions. […]

2015 Conference Social Media

Tragedy, Pitchforks, and Twitter

It was a tough spring at University of South Carolina. With a campus shooting, blackout, and a student incident that went viral, in addition to weather-related updates, the social team was busy… busy learning lessons on how to manage mobs, keep parents calm, and provide timely communications in complicated situations. Being strategic and staying on […]

2015 Conference Content Creation Marketing

Bare Bones Content Strategy: Simple Ideas for Sustainable Change on the Web

Presenter: Rick Allen (@epublishmedia) More information about this session >> Rick Allen presented #mcs4 on Monday, and gave the room a simple, easy way to approach content strategy. Content strategy on any college campus should start with a cup of coffee and a question: “What should people learn when they come to your website? Let’s help them […]

2014 Conference

Is Tumblr Right for Your School?

Wendy Darling from Emory University wants everyone to decide “Is Tumblr Right for Your School? and if yes, to get started. As curator of a blog on Art Deco architecture, she’s become a power user over the past four years and has several tricks to help schools revamp their content or get started. “Tumblr is […]

2014 Conference Social Media

Engaging Prospective College Students and Their Parents Online: E-Expectations 2014

In recent years, social media and use of mobile devices by students have changed how prospective college students and parents research and interact with campuses. How can campuses adapt their content and e-recruitment strategies to effectively engage with these very different audiences? Stephanie Geyer, VP for Web Strategy and Interactive Marketing Services at Noel-Levitz, and […]

2013 Conference

Transform the trivial: reasons to cut basic tech support from your ‘to do’ list

Jennifer Chance, Web Team Manager, University of Texas at Austin Mark Foster, Technology Coordinator, University of Texas at Austin session abstract Jennifer and Mark offer a vision of a better future for higher ed web teams. HighEdWeb13 has given the audience plenty of ideas for new initiatives, this twelfth and final track session promises to […]

2013 Conference

Marketing and Web Strategy: Repurposing Traditional Promotions into Innovative Formats

  Jennifer Younker, Executive Director of Marketing and Communications and Romana Amato, Web Strategist from Saint Xavier University presented MCS10 Marketing and web strategy: repurposing traditional promotions into innovative formats. St. Xavier University is a smaller school in the Chicago suburbs where the team is working to use new marketing methods to boost awareness. Although data suggests that […]

2013 Conference Uncategorized

Applying Progressive Enhancements to Multimedia Content

Nikki Massaro Kauffman, Interface Designer, Penn State World Campus,  and Heather Dawson, Instructional Designer, Penn State World Campus presented MCS#8 Applying Progressive Enhancements to Multimedia Content to describe how they approach the myriad requests for video production. Their presentation was focused on online course content, but their approach works for any project where text, images and video pieces may intersect. So, […]

2013 Conference

Stay Ahead of the Curve: Conducting a Competitive Web Content Analysis

Presented by: Rick Allen – Content Strategist, Meet Content Description: In order to make informed decisions about your website, you need an understanding of what content you have and whether or not it’s any good. Hello, content audit! But how do you know if your findings are appropriate, if your recommendations will work, and if your […]

2013 Conference

Can Something Positive Come from This?

Dave Tyler, Social and Digital Media Manager, The College at Brockport, SUNY On Sept. 30 2012, a freshman at The College at Brockport State University of New York was found beaten to death in her dorm room. Her hometown boyfriend was been charged with her murder.  The death attracted national and international attention, in part […]

2013 Conference

Content Migration – The Good, The Bad, The Ugly

Anne Edmondson Regis University had a five to seven year old website that was dated, navigation was confusing, and had an unmanageable amount of duplicated and outdated content. They had over 150 editors with no marketing goals or content strategy which led to no consistent voice or branding. The website was not treated as an […]

2013 Conference

Creating a Cohesive Website Experience from Scratch #MCS3

Jennifer Pope When Jennifer started her position with Rutgers University College of Arts and Sciences, the website was the wild west of fragmented websites. She set out to tame the west in four key phases. Phase 1: Research and Development Talk to stakeholders about the needs or changes for the website. Make these meetings one-on-one […]